Chapter One: Rhythm of Life

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"C'mon boys get a move on! Ain't none of ya pretty enough ta make money offa beauty sleep! Get up! Get up!"

"Awwww...Shadow we'se got like 10 minutes 'til we'd gotta get a move on..get up..etcetera..."

Shadow swept his dark, overgrown locks out of his face with a toned, tan arm.

"Boss wants us out early, Rats."


Rats was cut off by a deep, hearty chuckle.

"Just git."

Rats let out a long lip trill and jumped into his trousers. The others rubbed their eyes and yawned, zombies stumbling about as usual. Brooklyn's tough when the sun comes up, but not too much before then. They all went through their checklists: hat, bag, slingshot. Over and over: hat, bag, slingshot. Hat, bag, slingshot. A robotic rhythm of knuckle cracking, grunting, stomping, and twanging the bands of their weapons carried on through the warehouse. The waves in the harbor sloshed along with the rising crescendo of the sunrise.

"Let's go!" Shadow led the symphony put onto the place, taking the morning by storm. The city was now awake, and so were the adolescent lads who each has their own rhythm of life as they knew it. Fast, slow, and all the other tempos that could be found in every heart and mind was out in the streets, taking on the day in their fashion. Except two.

"Finally." He sighed, and gripped her waist from behind. She was bent over, looking for something in the second drawer of a beat up, brown and brass dresser.

"Do you'se mind? I'se doin' something." She clapped back, unphased by his affection.

"Oh, I'se botherin' you'se?"


"I'se...botherin''se? Like really botherin'?"


"'se bothered."

"Good God would you'se quit it!"

"Quit what?" He smirked. He smirked his signature smirk. It got her every time. And he knew it. She rolled her eyes as he slid his hand up ever so slightly. She smacked him playfully.

"You'se actin' like it's some kinda special day or somethin'."

"Come here." He pulled her towards him in a rush and kissed her all over.
He pushed her against the dresser, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, accepting his passion. She bit his lip, and he hoisted her up atop the dresser.

"What are you doin'?"

His eyes gleamed and he ran his hands up and down her figure. He stopped and gripped her waist. She raised an eyebrow and smiled at him. He hastily pulled down her stockings.

"You'se gonna break da dresser."

"I don't give a damn about da dresser."

Charlie never got tired of the feeling of him loving on her. He held intense eye contact with her, as if he was in complete control. He knew what she wanted every moment. The best part was afterwards, when they laid together. She could listen to his beating heart forever. She could remember the many myths, and she was grateful none of them were true.



"I love you'se."

"I love you'se too."

"Can you'se believe it?"

"That it's been a year? Yup."

She sat up a little and looked him, playing with his caramel bangs. She smiled and kissed his ear. "Oh really."

"Aw what? I knows you ain't goin' nowheres."

"What if I'se did? What would you'se do then? Hm?"

He grabbed her tightly and suddenly. He pressed her to his chest. "You'se not goin' nowheres. I got you'se trapped."

She sighed and melted into his grip. He loosened it and rubbed his face into her cheek. He pushed himself down further and rested his head on her breast. He could feel her chest rise and fall with each breath. The sweet rhythm lulled him to sleep.

"Happy anniversary, Gabriel." She held him close and intwined her legs with his. God, he was right. She wasn't going anywhere.

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