Untitled Part 4

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"You sent Jack after him?" Castiel yelled.

"I thought..."

"I don't think much thought went into this at all, Dean!"

"He's got Sam."

"Well, now he's got Jack thanks to you."

"Cas, I'm sorry."


"What is he going to do us?" Jack wondered.

"I don't know," Sam answered, "But, you have to get out of here."

"He'll kill you."

"It's okay."

"I'm not leaving without you."

Sam sighed. Jack is just as stubborn as the Winchesters.

"What are you two talking about?" The Doctor interrupted.

"Nothing," Sam spoke.

The alien glared at the two, and Jack stood up, eyes glowing.

"Don't even..."

He was cut off by Jack lifting the Doctor into the air using his powers, causing the alien to start choking.

"Jack!" Sam yelled.

"I have to stop him, Sam."

"Not like this. Not by killing him."

The Nephilim released the alien, causing him to fall limply the ground.

"There's only one person who can stop me," The Doctor said, "And that's me."


A few months after the Winchester's and Castiel's initial encounter with the Doctor, he seemed to disappear completely. Until, of course, the TARDIS landed in Kansas again.

"You know, maybe landing near the place we were kidnapped last time isn't such a great idea," Rory spoke.

"Hello!" A blonde boy announced.

Amy startled and almost hid behind Rory. The Doctor just smiled at the boy.

"Hello," The Doctor said, "What is your name?"


"Yes, I know a Jack. However, you are a different Jack. Tell me, Jack, what are you doing here?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you," Jack said, "But, you should stay away from the hardware store on seventh street."


"There's this...funny looking...thing. Looks like a...salt shaker..."


"Stay away from it," The Doctor interrupted, "It's dangerous, more than you could ever know."

"But it's dead."

"What?" What could kill a dalek?

"I killed it," Jack said simply.

The Doctor stared at him. This boy seemed to be telling the truth.

"Amy, Rory," He announced, "Get back to the TARDIS."

"But..." Amy said.


The two companions headed back.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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