Date with a dork Part 1

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You sat on the couch of the dressing room, tapping your foot nervously, anticipating the moment when your lifelong idol and celebrity crush would walk into the room. Sure, you were almost just as famous as he was, almost, but to you, he still seemed like a thousand levels higher. You grew up listening to all the Panic! At The Disco songs. They were the band that helped you survive middle school and high school, and to think that you'd be in the presence of Brendon Urie, the actual singer and front man of your favorite band, it blew your mind. You had met him online through some DM's on Twitter, and you texted each other, even had a video talk, and Brendon decided to send you some free tickets for some of his upcoming shows in hopes that you could make it and you two could meet and hang out later. It felt surreal.
That day you had called Brendon a couple hours before he went on stage, and he had explained to you where to go and what to do in order to find him. Zach, who you had seen in a million backstage videos and Brendon periscopes, had introduced himself to you and showed you to the dressing room, sitting you down on the couch until Brendon came out from his shower. You had agreed upon walking to a little music shop Brendon had scouted out earlier, a place where he had told you he had bought one of his favorite guitars. You were lost in thought when the door swung open and Brendon's eyes met yours, and your heart leapt. This was really happening.
"Nice to finally see you in person," Brendon smiled as he dried his hair off with a towel, setting it down on the ground and giving you a hug. "I've heard a lot about you."
"Looks who's talking," you smirked, both of you walking out the door and down the sidewalk.
"I've watched a couple of your YouTube videos," he chuckled. "You're pretty cute."
"Cute? More like embarrassing," you rolled your eyes. "They find it humorous when I humiliate myself."
"Stuffing marshmallows in your mouth is humiliating?" Brendon raised his eyebrows. "Ha, remind me what humiliation means the next time you get so drunk you take your pants off on stage."
"Well that's actually sort of hot," you admitted. "A marshmallow filled mouth? I don't think it even comes close."
"You're too humbling," Brendon laughed. "I think you're great."
"Same," you grinned. "I've been listening to your music for forever."
"Forever is a really long time," he reminded. "That's almost fucking eternity, you know. I don't think my band's even been around that long."
"You know what I meant silly," you gave him a playful jab in the arm.
"You hit like a girl," he teased. "No offense to girls."
"You sing like a girl," you joked. "Hitting those high notes and that falsetto."
"Really now? I never noticed! Oh my gosh," Brendon responded, doing his best Valley Girl impression, which made you giggle. You had seen him do it so many times in his Periscopes, and even sometimes on stage.
"The show was great by the way," you added. "I loved it."
"Was it worth the price?" he raised an eyebrow.
"You gave me tickets for free," you laughed. "Remember?"
"Fuck, I love it when you laugh," Brendon sighed happily. His eyes grew wide after he realized he had just said that aloud, and it only made you laugh more. "Damn, I didn't think-"
"No, haha," you regained composure. "It's fine. I love your smile."
"Really now?" he flashed a toothy grin.
"Not like that," you rolled your eyes.
"You sure?" he insisted between his teeth.
"Better quit it or I'll start calling you Beebo," you playfully threatened.
"Because heaven forbid anyone call me that!" Brendon gasped. You both burst out into laughter as you neared the music shop.
"So this is the place, huh?" you wondered as he opened the door and ushered you in.
"Yup, the one and only," he grinned. "Damn, it's been forever since I've been in here."
"You know, forever is a really long fucking time," you reminded.
"Shut up," he rolled his eyes. He slyly reached for your arm, holding your hand as you walked down the aisles, and you stayed silent, but bursting with joy that he would be so kind as to show that sign of affection. You knew Brendon could be flirty, but you never knew he was this romantic.
"Look, I see a Sinatra vinyl," you hinted, pointing towards a copy of one of Brendon's favorite albums.
"I think I spot a Weezer one too," Brendon added excitedly. You both drifted off to that corner of the shop and released the hand holding, so that you could pick up a Death of a Bachelor vinyl.
"You see this?" you smiled. "You're right up there with them, Brendon."
"That's insane," he laughed. "I never thought I'd live to see the day."
"It's right there beside them," you pointed out. "Look at you, Mr. Accomplishment."
"Ah, you're not too shabby yourself," Brendon reassured. "You'll be up there on the internet hall of fame one day. I know it."
"Nah," you shook your head. "I think I'll be one of those old celebrities in the magazine showing how much I've aged or something like that."
"Whatever," Brendon chuckled.
You walked over to the guitars and picked one up, handing it to Brendon. It was a lovely acoustic, and Brendon just looked at it and smiled. "Play something," you begged. "I want to hear you."
"You just did? Remember? About an hour ago?" Brendon reminded.
"No, I mean just you and me," you persisted. "Right here, right now."
"If you insist," Brendon sighed, sitting down on a stool and strumming a couple chords. "Oh shit, what do I even sing?"
"Jesus loves me more than he loves you," you joked.
"Oh I think that's going to be featured on our next album," Brendon teased. "You're not allowed to tell anyone yet. It's going to be the second single after Pirate Love."
"That one you wrote with Kenny?" you giggled.
"That's the one," Brendon nodded. "Swab my deck!"
"Brendon!" you squealed.
"I'm just playing around," he reassured. He strummed a couple chords and then hummed, starting to sing. It sounded familiar, but it wasn't until he sang the first few words did it register what song it was. "I'm just setting, I'm just setting a trap. And I'm not pulling, no, I'm not pulling for ya-"
"You're just pulling at me," you chimed in.
"I'm not a betting man, but this is a sure thing," you both grinned as you sang the words together. "Bababadadadadabababadada, I've been to Tokyo and to South Africa..."
"So many places," you laughed.
"That you might say I've seen it all," Brendon gave a goofy face.
"But my favorite place is the warm embrace, of holding your hair back in a bathroom stall," you both sang out the lyrics playfully. "Everything I do is bittersweet, you could tell me secrets that I'll probably repeat, I'm not trying to hurt you, I just love to speak, it feels like we're pulling teeth. So bittersweet..." Brendon strummed a couple elaborate chords and you both laughed, until he put the guitar down.
"So you know all the words," he smiled. "I like that."
"I love that song," you sighed. "Vices and Virtues bonus tracks are literally the best."
"That's what they all say," Brendon smirked.
"So, any bonus tracks for Death of a Bachelor?" you raised your eyebrows, hoping to possibly pry some information out of him.
"I already fucking told you y/n, you're not allowed to ask anymore questions about the new Beyoncé collaboration," he groaned playfully. "That's strictly between Queen Bey and me, got it?"
"You're such a dork," you giggled.
"Is that a good thing?" he wondered.
"It's amazing," you reassured, and almost instinctively, you gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He bit his lip trying to suppress a smile, and you skipped over to the rack of CD's, pretending nothing had happened. An employee who was restocking some of them looked at you.
"Were you the one with the lovely voice?" he wondered.
"Nah, that would be Brendon over there," you explained. "He's the singer."
"You didn't sound too terrible yourself," the man reassured.
"You're too kind," you blushed.
"Hey y/n," Brendon snapped. You turned around, surprised at the sudden sharpness of Brendon's voice. "Let's go, we've got dinner reservations."
"We do?" you inquired.
"Yes, we do, so let's get going," Brendon insisted. He tugged on your arm and basically dragged you out of the store, until you reached the corner and he finally let go.
"What the hell was that all about?" you asked.
That's when Brendon kissed you, right then and there, his lips pressed up to yours, and when he pulled away, he left you stunned. "I didn't like the way that man was hitting on you," Brendon shrugged. "You're mine."
"Am I now?" you smirked.
"If uh, you're okay with that," he double checked.
"You little dork," you kissed him on the lips quickly. "You're too adorable, Brendon."
"Nah, you'd beat me any day," Brendon shook his head.
"So I believe there were mentions of dinner reservations?" you reminded.
"If you're up for it," he shrugged.
"I'm up for anything," you grinned. "As long as you'll be there."
"Are you saying yes to a date with the biggest dork ever?" Brendon wondered.
"Yes I am," you nodded. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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