Periscope Predicament

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You walked into the room, smiling and happy, until Brendon's eyes met yours. You immediately caught something was wrong. "I'm 'scopin," he announced. You caught the cue and left the room, sighing in defeat and walking down the hallway when Dallon stopped you.

"Hey," he greeted with a grin.

"Hi Dallon," you gave a half smile.

"Why so low, y/n?" he wondered, concerned.

"Brendon's periscoping again," you groaned. You had been dating the singer for going on two months now, and the only people who knew were the other band members, the security, crew, and Brendon himself. He had told you he wanted to keep it private, not tell the fans and the public until it was the right time, and you agreed with him hesitantly. I mean, there was nothing you were ashamed of and you loved Brendon with all your heart. You wouldn't care if people hated you or the relationship was ridiculed. You had been together for two months now, and it was actually a miracle nobody found out. The rules were strict but simple. You couldn't show displays of affection while in public settings, no social media interaction with both of you at the same time, and deny every question someone would ask. It was hard to do. At first, you thought maybe it was because Brendon didn't love you. You thought maybe he was afraid of telling people you were his girlfriend, embarrassed to be around you, that he didn't want anyone to think he actually liked you. But the more time you spent with Brendon, you realized that it wasn't the case at all. He did truly love you and he thought you were beautiful, and he was proud as could be. He just didn't want you to get hurt. He wanted to protect you, and he couldn't bear the thought of someone hating on you or saying mean things. He didn't want you to be just another girl. He wanted you to be his girl.

"You've been together for two whole months," Dallon argued. "He should introduce you already!"

"I know," you sighed. "But Brendon's not ready."

"Will he ever be?" Dallon threw his hands up in the air angrily. "This has been going on forever. He's being a diva! He needs to grow a pair and stop hogging you all to himself! You think Breezy and I just stayed in the shadows constantly? Huh? No! We had to go through the same things every other couple does! If Brendon thinks he can just escape it, he's damn wrong. Okay? It's not something you mess around with. If he's serious about the relationship, he needs to man up and tell people about it. Because as soon as the press and the paparazzi even notice you and him together, believe me, the rumors they're going to create will become your worst nightmare. So come clean now or prepare yourselves for a major curveball. I'm surprised you've lasted this long." You stood there, speechless at Dallon's words, not knowing how agitated he was with the entire situation. Though the more you thought about it, you kind of felt the same way too. This was getting ridiculous. Brendon needed to tell people. You had waited long enough.

You nodded your head slowly and then looked up at Dallon. "You're right," you agreed. "Can you talk to him for me?"

"I will," Dallon reassured. "Sorry for getting so heated, I just... That really needed to be said."

"Yeah, I get you," you understood. "Thanks, Dallon."

"No problem, y/n. Get some sleep, it's kind of late. I'll be sure to tell Brendon you're already on the bus, okay?" he decided.

"Yeah," you replied. You walked to the tour bus and went to your bunk, sliding under the sheets and dozing off to sleep.

The next morning you woke up and saw Brendon on his Twitter, scrolling through his timeline. "Hey," he mumbled.

"Hi babe," you greeted, giving him a kiss on the cheek. You caught him frowning. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he shook his head. "It's nothing, I'm fine."

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