The tour (Part 1)

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Standing backstage I watched Brendon work the crowd, he'd already done one backflip and his shirt was off, sweat covering his body. Being in Panic's backup band had been a blast, I felt almost disappointed that this was the last show, spending time with Brendon has been the best part, his cute vines and stupid jokes followed up with a goofy smile. I couldn't help but feel saddened by the thought of not waking up to his singing in the hotel room next door, but the fact the he'd hinted at me staying in LA after the show gave me butterflies. I leant on a beam backstage as he pranced about performing Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time this was the signal to us that meant there was only 1 song left: Miss Jackson... the one I performed in too.
"You ready Y/N?" The backstage manager asked handing me a mic and checking my earpiece, nodding a response I still couldn't seem to tear my eyes away from Brendon.
"So guys its our last show of night!" Brendon said with a sad smile on his face. "Shall we make it a good one?" The crowd roared with excitement, hands in the air and screaming girls everywhere, at Brendon's signal the band began to play the opening to Miss Jackson quietly. "I'd like to welcome a very special friend of mine to the stage... the amazing miss Y/N!" with that I ran out onto the stage and began singing my part of the song, the crowd was electric, they were lapping up the theatre of it all. Brendon was working to crowd to perfection it wasn't until he grabbed me and pulled me against him holding me in front of him and dancing, I danced along, feeling something poking me in the back, I couldn't quite tell if it was his belt buckle or not, but truthfully, I didn't care.
"Well guys that's it! You've been a fucking awesome last show!" He yelled out to the crowd they, before long they started screaming for an encore.
"Guys I love you all, see you soon LA." I said waving my arms up and hugging Brendon quickly lowering my mic to speak to him. "I'll leave the encore to you." I gave him a smile before going to walk off stage.
"You're staying right here!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me back, sitting me on top of an amp as The Death of a Bachelor started to play, he started singing, all slick and sexy, winking and biting his lip at the audience but mainly at me, I blushed, god he was turning me into a flustered teenage girl on stage. He pulled me up and began twirling me round during the instrumental, pulling me close by my waist singing directly too me, I was a giggling wreck by the end of the song.
"Great show Brendon." I mumbled to him off mic as the song ended, he grinned and hugged me before turning to the audience.
"You've been amazing LA, thanks guys and goodnight!" He bellowed pulling me into a bow before the lights cut and we headed off stage. "C'mon I've got a bottle of champagne in my dressing room." I was dragged away before I could protest being lead to the dressing room where all the crew were already waiting pouring glasses ready to share out, Brendon took one and raised his glass up. "This has been a crazy 6 months, I'm so proud of us all and Y/N you've been amazing. Cheers guys." Everyone clinked glasses and Brendon gave me a playful wink, coming over to me as everyone started chatting. "And before you guys ask me to go out drinking, that's tomorrow, I wanna smoke and sleep." He joked as he reached me.
"This tour really has been awesome Brendon. Thanks for giving me the chance to do this." I held back from gushing too much, it was already obvious I had it bad for him.
"You deserve it, you and your band are good enough to get this chance." He gave me another hug, pulling me in by my waist, lower than before, I shuddered a little at his little touches on me. We spent a few hours in the dressing room, mingling and drinking, I couldn't wait to get back to my hotel and relax, I was sure as hell glad that I didn't have to get up in the morning. I threw on some sweat pants and a t-shirt and crashed onto my bed, god I was exhausted, this had been so fun but damn the touring had taken its toll, I had been relaxing for about half hour when I heard the door to my hotel room door knock. Padding through my hotel room I peeked through the peep hole... Oh. My. God... NO! Brendon stood waiting outside the door, no, no, no, look at me! I sprinted to the bathroom and did what I could with my hair and threw on a slightly tighter tank top, oh this will have to do, I gave up and ran to the door, swinging it open.
"Hey..." I mumbled shyly, his eyes seemed to glance down me before meeting my eyes, he was in jeans but he was shirtless, god why shirtless, I didn't need any more distracting. "Do you ever wear a shirt?"
"Umm nope... mind if I come in?" I nodded and he came strutting in, he had a joint rolled and behind his ear, no surprise there, he clearly noticed me looking as he cleared his throat. "Sorry... I can get leave it in my room if you want."
"No, its okay, wanna go on the balcony and smoke it?" trying to act as confident as I could in front of him, his eyebrows raised a little.
"Since when were you a little rebel." He teased heading over to the balcony doors, "alright we'll smoke it on the balcony. We headed out and he sparked it up taking a long drag and throwing his head back as he breathed in. "Have you ever smoked it before?" He asked exhaling and leaning on the railings.
"No, I'd try it though." I grinned a little, he bit his lip and watched me.
"Ok... but I won't give you this, close your eyes, and breathe in when you feel me breathe out." Encouraging me he stepped a little closer to me taking another long drag. "Close your eyes then." My eyes closed slowly, what was he up to? I heard him take a pull and stood waiting expectantly, all of a sudden I felt his lips on mine and his breath on them I breathed in like he said, did he just moan? God this was hot. Without warning I started spluttering and coughing, leaning on the balcony as Brendon laughed a little.
"Jesus Brendon how do you smoke this so much." Joking around as I spluttered more, his laughs filling my ears, he jolted as I punched his leg, playing around of course, "Dick..."
"A lot of practise, stand up straight... it helps the cough." I felt myself get hoisted upright, he went silent, biting his lip a little, before pulling me inside. Before I had the chance to argue, Brendon pulled me into his arms, his eyes raging at me. "God you're so sexy." He practically groaned into my ear, without permission he started kissing my neck, biting as his tongue darted out against my flesh.
"Wha... Brendon... what's gotten into you?" I moaned a little, feeling gripping hands on my waist and hips, it was like he was possessed.
"Shhhh, you can't tell me you don't want this, I've spent six months watching you prance about that stage and god I can't fucking stand it anymore." With that he gripped my thighs and hoisted me up into his arms, practically throwing me on the bed. "And then dancing with you today, I've got to feel your body. Don't you want me?" He suddenly backed off, hesitation catching up with him.
"What? No it's not that... it's just... unexpected." Looking up at him from the bed I blushed a little. "I... I do want you." Jesus I could barely speak what did this man turn me into? A devilish glint burned into those brown eyes of his, flicking that jet black hair out of his face he practically jumped on me, I felt like his prey, his eyes were wild and fiery staring at me. He started another assault on my neck, moving up my jawline and behind my ear, his hand slipped downwards and over my sweatpants, pressing down. "Uhhh... shit, Brendon." I gasped out at the pressure my back arching upwards towards him, how was such a tiny touch driving me so crazy? Moaning only seemed to spur him on more as next thing he was kissing me, he was demanding and made sure I knew who was boss straight away, he pulled away pulling my lip between his teeth as he did. His hands yanked of my sweat pants off and pulled my panties off soon after.
"Get here." He ordered, yanking me up and pulling my shirt off of me, pushing me back down on the bed. "Fuck Y/N, I've wanted you so bad since day one." Sat looking at me for a minute his fingers tracing over my stomach and thighs biting his lip in that way at me, I was so wet even I was starting to get impatient, my head back moaning to his touch. He leant back over me and pulled my back up so he could unclasp my bra, unsurprisingly he did that with ease too, he threw that on the floor too, kissing my neck as be pushed his own sweat pants and boxers off. His hand slid between my legs, fingers pushing inside a little. "Is this all for me?" He whispered, his voice so deep and husky my hairs stood on end. "Do you want me?" He growled, rubbing the tip of his cock against me.
"Yes..." I breathed out barely able to speak I couldn't handle this, I couldn't see how big it was but I didn't need to.
"Ask nicely..." Teasing me with every move, one hand holding himself up the other rubbing himself against me.
"Please." I groaned and arched my back, I barely got a chance to say another word before I felt him grip my hip and slam into me, I yelled out in pleasure, my hands finding his back to grip on to. He didn't allow me any time to adjust, just started on a powerful rhythm, his fingers digging into my hip as he moved.
"Ah fuck baby you're so tight." He moaned out throwing his head back in pleasure, my head was spinning, I couldn't take this for very long I felt my stomach tightening already, coiling like a spring. He kept his rhythm, he was most definitely a demanding lover, he wanted to be in control and he didn't make any attempt to pretend either. His free hand lifted and gripped the headboard to the hotel room bed, he used the new leverage to start thrusting harder, gripping my leg and lifting it. He hit my gspot every thrust without fail, groaning and growling into my ears, I shuddered at the sound, my body rapidly turning to jelly under him. "Uhhhh Y/N, you feel so fucking good, say my name baby."
"Brendon..." I half screamed, he let go of the headboard and propped himself over me, kissing me hard, moaning into my mouth and keeping his fast, hard pace going. "Brendon I... can't hold on much longer." I whimpered, my body tightening around him, he was driving me insane and he knew it.
"Cum for me." His husky, turned on voice filled my ears sending me spinning into an orgasm, riding it out as I yelled his name and writhed under him. His moans started getting louder, his thrusts getting sloppier, I could tell he couldn't hold out much longer. He was revelling in the pleasure he was giving me, head thrown back, mouth open and breathing heavy, his hips pounding against me, sweat coating his forehead. "Fuck I'm so close." He groaned, giving one last, hard burst, taking long and powerful thrusts making sure I could feel every part of him.
"Brendon!" I screamed out in pleasure as he set of another orgasm in me, I was a mess trembling and writhing underneath him.
"Fuck Y/N!" He moaned loudly as he finally reached his release, riding out both our orgasms before collapsing on top of me. His breath heavy and laboured in my ears, his pulled out and flopped on the bed beside me. "Jesus..." I couldn't even muster the words I was too shaky.
"Wow..." Was all I could manage, he pulled me onto his chest, kissing my head softly.
"I've wanted that for so long." He whispered stroking my hair.
"Just that?" I asked going shy, a little worried that was all he wanted.
"No! Not just that, but THAT is definitely a bonus." He gave me a long, soft, drawn out kiss, pulling me closer on the bed, fuck the tour, if I could have this I didn't care about any of it.

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