Take Me Home Tonight

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*Warning: This contains mature content. If you do not wisht to read it, please stop here.*
You could tell that tonight would be the night. The way Brendon's eyes would roam your body left you tingling with want. He kept you close during the party, not letting other guys get the chance to talk to you. Brendon had a possessive side and it didn't help when you dressed the way you did tonight. But this is the reaction you wanted from him, because in your mind this was night you wanted to give him all of you.
You've been with Brendon for a few months now and to anyone else it would sound dumb, but you know deep down, there is no one else for you but him. He's the one you envision getting married to and having kids with. You knew the day you met him, that one day, you would be his Mrs. Urie.
So this was the ultimate test for yourself. Give him what you haven't given anyone else. You don't want anyone else to have this gift but him. You want him to take your virginity. Granted, he doesn't know you're a virgin; he's never asked. So you're hoping deep down that he doesn't realize and by the way his hand is moving further up your thigh, you won't even have time to be nervous.
You're both seated on the couch when things start to heat up. His hand is traveling further up your thigh, playing with the end of your dress. His lips are leaving little marks on your neck and finally they settle below your ear, "You're killing me tonight, (y/n). I'm gonna have to get you home soon."
His husky voice tingled your whole body. Every inch of your skin was begging for his touch and you didn't know how much longer you could really wait. You let your hand travel down his chest, "Take me home then."
He pulled back, looking into lust filled eyes, "Really?"
You've never really initiated anything like this, so he almost seemed hesitant. You nodded and that's all it took for him to grab your hand and lead you out to the car.
It took him all of five minutes to get you back to his apartment, his hand never leaving your thigh the whole way over. He was driving you crazy every time he touched you, leaving goosebumps over your skin. You followed him in, jumping a little as he let the door slam behind him. You were almost sure you wouldn't have time to be nervous, but here you were with butterflies eating away at your stomach.
His eyes were dark, lust blown, as he looked over you. He smiled, taking your hand and kissing all the way to your shoulder. You were shaking, but you hoped he wouldn't notice. He lead you into his bedroom, kicking the door shut and wrapping his arms around your waist. You smiled, feeling his lips on your neck and his hand unzipping the back of the dress. He pushed the straps down and letting you step out of it once it hit the floor. A wave of self consciousness hit you as you stood, almost bare to him. His eyes lit up, "You're beautiful."
You winked, feeling a little bit of confidence come back as you unbuttoned his dress shirt. His lip caught between his teeth as you unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pushing them to the floor.
He cupped your jaw, pressing a deep kiss to your lips and from that moment you didn't know who finished undressing first. He backed you up to the bed, letting you fall back before finding his way back on top of you. His kisses were rough, biting at your bottom lip. He leaned over to the side table, digging through drawer until he found what he was looking for. He sat up, tearing the little foil package and rolling the condom on his length.
You took a deep breath, feeling his weight settle back on you as he marked up your neck. He pushed your legs further apart, lining up with your entrance. It felt quick and a fire spread through your body. It was painful as he quickened his thrust without letting you adjust, but you distracted yourself as you let your nails claw at his back.
"So tight for me," His lips moved down toward your chest, "feel so good."
You moaned, feeling the fire fade and newfound desire taking it's place. You arched up into him as his teeth grazed your nipple. "Like that baby girl?"
That was enough to really get you riled up. You could feel yourself tighten up as he started getting sloppier with his thrusts.
"Bren," You moaned, feeling a heat pooling in your belly.
He smirked against your skin, nibbling at your ear, "Let go for me, baby girl."
You feel a white hot heat travel through your body as he pushes you through your orgasm and hitting his soon after. After a quick few thrusts you felt him leave you, pulling back to get rid of the condom. You sat up, pulling him back to you and letting him press kisses on your forehead.
"Please tell me that was as good for you as it was for me." He chuckled, moving a piece of hair our of your face.
You grinned, feeling a blush tint your cheeks, "Way better than I imagined my first time being."
He pulled away, looking at you with a hurt expression, "What?"
You mentally slapped yourself for saying that. He didn't even know and now he looks like a kicked puppy. "Brendon,"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't think it would matter."
"It should matter, (y/n)." He sighed, taking your hand in his. "Did I hurt you?"
"A little, but Bren, it would have even if I told you. You can't help that."
He pressed a kiss to my forehead, lacing our fingers, "I could have went slow. It would have been much better for you. I could have really taken my time with you, (y/n). I don't want you to remember your first time like this. It should have been special."
"It was special," You grinned, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "It was special because it was with you."
He rolled his eyes but pressed a quick kiss to your lips, "How about I make it up to you? We could go for a round two, let me take it slow this time."
I giggled, seeing his eyebrows move up and down, "Can we get a rain check on that? You've really wore me out."
He nodded, pressing a kiss to my lips, "Of course. Maybe we can try slow morning sex. That sounds really good actually."
You giggle, curling up against him as he rests his head against the pillow, "Sounds good to me."
He squeezes your hip, pressing his face into the side of your neck, "God, I can't wait to wake up in the morning."
Josh Dun looks good like omg

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