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Mark's POV

Hello, My name is Mark Edward Fischbach and this is my story.
I'm officially 26 years old still young and submissive but, I'm a sex slave. I'm a toy. People can come in here whenever they want to and take one of me or my friends home and have..well you know..have..sex with us. They paid our boss, Felix of course. We even have prices. Felix said I was very handsome and good looking so, therefore I cost more than anybody else here. That's right. $5,000 cash. No checks. No cards. No nothing. Cash. I have been bought before although. Everytime when someone buys me. They will have me for 5 months for 5k if you don't want to keep me that long you will be paid extra. Though. All the Dominants I had kept me that long so, they wouldn't have to pay more than I'm already am. A girl named Amy came here once and bought me. She was fairly nice once in a while. But, when she was angry she would force me to fuck her. I consider myself straight although sometimes men come and buy me. They will make me do worse things. Like wear inappropriate clothes, clean their house, give them a bath, steal for them, strip for them, and much more things. I hated being treated this way and I hate being a sex slave but, I would eventually have to get used to it once in a while. I was personally kidnapped 16 years ago by Felix too. I have been a sex slave since I was only 10. I didn't even finish school but, I was smart enough. I remember the horrible moment of me being kidnapped.

"Mom can I go to the toys aisle?" I asked my mother as she held my hand.

"Sure Mark. But, if you see something wrong come back to me immediately." She let go of my hand and kissed my forehead. "Yes ma'am!" I smiled up at my beautiful mother and ran off to the toys section.
I saw amazing toys. I loved the game Five Nights Of Freddy I saw a Chica toy collection doll and grabbed it. I laughed as the toy reminded me the Chica I have at home. My golden retriever of course. I held the toy in my hand and hugged it to my chest.

"Hey." A little boy beside me said. I looked at the little boy he had slightly blonde and brown hair with blue eyes. He's quite short like me. "My name is Felix. What's yours?"

"Mark..." I said shyly as I put the toy back from where I got it from.

"Cool name. How old are you?"

"10.."  I said holding my hands out gesturing the number 10.

"Hey! Me too!" Moments later I heard screaming. It sounded like my mother scream.

"MOMMY?!" I screamed as I turned around. I ran back to the aisle she was in and saw a man beside her holding a bloody knife as my mother laid dead on the floor as blood puddled her.
"MOM!" I ran to her and shook her body. I looked up the man with the knife in his hand.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I demanded as I tried to shake my mother awake.

"You're coming with me." He grabbed my black hair and dragged me away from my mother.

"HELP PLEASE HELP!" He covered my mouth and behind him I saw that Felix kid smiling at me as he followed behind.

"Good job son."

"You're welcome Dad!"

I was immediately dragged out the store and put into a van. The van started and started driving from the store. I banged on the window.
"NO STOP PLEASE MY MOTHER! NO STOP!" They didn't listen he kept driving.

Ever since that day. I never been alone since. 5 years later when I was 15 a cop founded Felix's dad and arrested him, he later died 2 years later from a heart attack. That didn't stop Felix keeping his father's job alive. He kept me hostage and kept other people hostage with me. My mother was murdered my dad went missing my brother died of cancer. My life was forever ruined.

"MARK!" Felix yelled in front of me, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Y-yes sir?!" I said looking up at him on my nasty bed, my hair was a mess and I had bath yesterday. I needed a bath today.

"Tommorow you're leaving. Pack up for 5 months or more if my friend will pay me extra and keep you forever." I sighed deeply and nodded my head.

"Pityful. I don't even know why my father even chose you. You're worthless like your mother." He said laughing as he lefted out my room. I looked down at the bed and tears fell from my eyes. I then pondered about my new owner. I hope he turns out as a good owner. I would love to get away from the maniac son that killed my mother. I love would absolutely wouldn't mind. I hate Felix I never knew why he chose me and my mother instead of anyone else. The last time I have been out with an owner was 2 months ago ever since, that mistake that happened 2 months ago nobody has ever bought me. I want that memory of 2 months ago be deleted forever and never be ever mentioned again.
My friend Tyler was pushed inside my room by Felix.

"Since, little Tyler wants to be 2 years old and mess his room up he will be staying in here with you until, you leave forever." Felix said glaring at Tyler then at me. He slammed the door shut and Tyler turned around to me.

"Hey Mark. I heard you will be leaving tommorow." He said walking over to me and sitting down.

"Yeah I am.." I said looking down sadly.

"Cheer up. At least you won't be here with Felix."

"You're right Ty.. Whoever my new owner is he better be good."

"Mark. Last year. I literally got a bukkake every night by my owner and his friends. That was worst."

"Yikes." Tyler landed his hand on my shoulder.

"I wish the best of luck for you Mark."

"Thanks Ty." I said smiling as I gave him a warm nice hug. He hugged back and smiled. We pulled back from each other and talked for a while.
Once it was night time. I climbed inside bed and Tyler slept on the opposite side of me. We both fall fast asleep but, I was preparing myself for the hell that was happening tommorow.

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