T W E N T Y - T W O

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A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday. I can explain so, hold your wooden spoons. Yesterday, nothing bad happened but uh I had school and I had to wash clothes, wash the dishes which took about an hour or so and then took a bath. We had a thunderstorm warning yesterday so eh I couldn't update you man. Oof sorreh also I read..some Fanfictions :3


Jack's POV

"Is he going to alright?" I asked the doctor as I sat in the chair across from them. The doctor had their legs crossed with a clipboard laid on them. She tapped the pen across her chin and then looked up at me.

"Well. He lost a a bit of blood maybe like 3 or 4 pints of it.. I mean if it was a gallon he would've probably died. He's alive now we still are getting a pulse and some breathing from him. The next level of blood loss occurs with the Class 3 hemorrhage, which references loss of 30 to 40 percent of total blood volume. This could be around 3 to 4 pints of blood, for those keeping track. Blood transfusion is usually necessary with a hemorrhage of this magnitude, according to Alton.. but, maybe a possibility he will live...and maybe he might not. We will assure you in the morning."

"I swear to FUCKING GOD! IF HE DOESN'T SURVIVE BECAUSE, YOU SHITS CAN'T DO NOTHING I'M SUING THIS WHOLE HOSPITAL DOWN! UNDERSTAND THAT?!" I pointed my index finger "threateningly" at her while kinda wagging it. Okay. maybe I was too much aggressive. I was frustrated okay? If I lose Mark...I don't know what will I do.
She gave me a terrified look and turned her eyes one way and then back at me.

"O-okay sir we will try everything w-we can p-please be patient with us!" She said shyly and scared at the same time as she stutters a few words.

"DON'T TRY DO." I warned again. Jesus. Sean calm the fuck down.
I walked back in Marks room as he laid in the bed with his eyes opened just a tiny bit but, enough for me to see his chocolate kinda washed out eye orbs. He turned his head a little to look at me and smiled.

"Jack..Hi." he said smiling warmly.

"Hello my amigo. I have come to talk to you again. I think I know how to cheer you up a bit so, you won't feel so bad."

"By..a kiss? Or a song?"

"Oh, no. Google." I said reaching in my pocket for my phone I pulled it out and pressed on Siri.
"Siri, How to cheer someone up?"
She turned on and replied.

"Google searches for 'How to cheer someone up'. " I pressed on the link and frowned knowing we can't do any of those since he's in the hospital bed.

"Well..eh not that." I said slipping my phone into my pocket. Mark started panicking.

"W-what's wrong?!" I said holding his hand. His breathing started to quicken and his life scanner...thingy started beeping quickly. The doctor ran inside and ordered me to leave. I slapped her with threat in my eyes.
Security ran in and dragged me out as other doctors started working on Mark. I kicked and scream I can't leave now. He might need me!

"LET ME GO YOU FUCKING MORONS!" I screamed as I kicked my legs in the air. I felt something jab through my legs that made me go weak. "W-what did you s-STAB me WITH!?" I started feeling even more weaker. I passed out while being dragged out by security guards.

Later, I woke up being in handcuffs as my hand we're behind my back and sitting in a chair. I look up to see a big desk as a dark skinned and pale skin police officer were sitting by each other working on papers. The dark skinned one looked at me. I have to admit. He has a nice beard. He tapped the officer beside who looked at him then at me.

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