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Jack's POV

As I was pushed in and locked in I started panicking I didn't want to knock or try to knock down the door or it will cause more trouble. I stayed quiet to hear what's going on downstairs.
I hear the front door open and someone voice.

"Woah Mark. You have grown a bit bigger.. your pity ass must have been working out."

"What the fuck do you want? Me and Jack are busy right now."

"I need to speak to him you asshole."

"He doesn't want to talk."

"JACK?! JACCKKK?!"  It was Felix.

"Get out!"

"Back off you ass sex slave."

Later, I heard footsteps and then a "BAM" sound.

"FELIX?!" I yelled hoping either him or Mark didn't do something horrible to each other. I got no reply. I heard something being moved and dragged outside. I ran to the big window and pushed the curtains out of the way, I looked down to see a blood trail following Felixs body as Mark dragged him to his car he take his keys and throws him in the backseat. He gets in the front and starts driving off.
Please don't kill him please don't kill him please. Don't. Kill. Him.
I stayed in the room panicking as I walked back and forth worried about Felix. I looked on the floor to see my phone ringing. I picked it up and see it was doctor I answer to see what he needs.

'Hey Mr.McLoughin exciting news. Mark can actually be back to normal in 2 or 3 days just by hitting him in the head hard. The sex sydrome can be diagnosed early after all.'

'Oh, Thanks doc. Thank you so much for the solution!'

'He hasn't been acting crazy or anything right?'

'Oh, no no. He's fine.' I completely lied. 'He just been wierd that's all.'

'The symdrome must be affecting slowly... Anyways have a good day.'

'You too.' I hang up and looked around for something to open or break down the door with and once I get Mark back to normal. I don't care if was a sex sydrome hell it could've been a 'fuck me in a asshole' syndrome...Stop laughing...I'm going to make Mark pay.
I see a bat by the bed and I go over to it and pick it up, I got over to the door and bust the lock. I opened the door and ran inside my room. I grabbed a notepad and pencil.

"Okay just gotta add 'New Lock' to the list...aaannnndd done." I put the notepad and pencil down and run out to downstairs. I look out the window in the living room to see Mark walking to the door. Jesus I hope he didn't kill Felix. I ran back to the door and held the bat getting ready to swing. He opened the door and looked up at the bat. I swung and hit him like a home run in his head. He fell to the floor..I hope not dead but, unconscious. I smiled at my progress. Then, my legs started throbbing from running. I shook off the pain and dragged him upstairs. I dragged him to my little special room since, I..broke his door lock...Anyways I chain him up to the metal, silver bed. His arms were tightened by the chains on the side on his stomach as his feet were chained together to the bed board. I smirked to see him still unconscious. Well duh, I hit him with a bat. In the head. Hopefully he'll be fine.

1 week later...

I was reading a book as I adjusted my glasses when I hear sounds upstairs. Mark must finally be awake. He has been out for a week. I laid my book beside me on the couch.
Yes, I was reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
I got up and walked upstairs. I went to the special room door and I took a deep breath and opened it. Mark shakes his head and looks up at me.

"Where am I?" He asked looking confusely. Don't tell me he lost his memory... I closed the door behind me and walked up to him.

"In my special room."


"Don't you remember what you did to me?"

"No...All I remember is going to slee- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!"


"Excuse you?" He said giving me a up and down look a bit sass.

"Excuse me nothing. You abused, beat,  fucked and pushed me down the stairs!"

"I did?" The symptom.."

"The symptom nothing! You couldn't control it could you?!"


"Save it Mark. You are going to be punished."


I didn't take no mercy as I punched him in the face. I strangled him a bit just for the pain to be worse. I looked around and saw some things on the floor. I took the knife and cut off his pants. I went in my room and got our a bag of dry ice and salt. I walked back inside the special room and put the sprinkled his leg with some of the salt. I slowly put a glove on and put the dry ice on the salt while it sat on his leg. I pressed down for a few minutes, later he screamed and pulled his leg as the chains gripped his ankles tightly.

"STOP STOP IM SORRY!" I smirked and did the same to the other leg. It jumped again for only the bindings to hurt his ankles and arms. I laughed to myself and grabbed a cigarette I lit up and puffed a little. I took the cigarette and burnt his legs with the tip end. I jumped again in pain I looked to see some burnts and bruises on his legs. I'm making great progress. I flicked off some ashes and moved the cigarette to his face. I pressed it in and made a small burnt circle on his face as his tears burned it even more.

"Sweet, sweet, SWEET revenge.." I said burning his other cheek. I removed the cigarette as his sorrow cries burned his cheeks.
"Doesn't feel good now does it?!" I said slapping him.

"I-im sorry! I couldn't help the-" I slapped him again before he could finish.

"Tommorow you will clean and clean and you will work outside but, only in boxers no matter if it's cold or hot you will work. If you're sick. You will work I don't care if James Brown came to take you on tour. YOU. WILL. WORK."

(I just realized....Mark is literally getting punished from a problem Jack made. And did to himself..
The next chapter will be intense ;)

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