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Mark's POV

Why doesn't he understand? 
Doesn't he see the world that I stand?
Can't he see something isn't right?
That I have to go through this fight.
He still treats me like trash.
But, he have a lot of cash.
I can't do this anymore.
I feel weak and very sore.
How can I survive this pain.
It's driving me insane.
My childhood was destroyed.
My body was toyed.
My life was ruined.
I can't do no suing.
I lost my family.
To the one and only.
Ray Kjellberg.
He broke my mind.
I feel very blind.
Is it true that I'm a slut?
Is it true my arms just showed to be cut?

I sighed deeply as I sat gloomily on my bed. To be interrupted by a knock at my door.

"Markimoo?" Jack's Irish voice said through the door at least I think he's Irish. I rubbed my dried up eyes and sighed.

"W-what?" I said faintly.

"Let me in.." I turned around to look at the door and shooked my head looking back down at my thighs.
Did I really want to talk to the guy who doesn't even know what I have been through? He called me a slut and hurted me.
I closed my eyes tightly just wanting to die right here right now.

"Markimoo?!" He said banging heavily on the door.
I stayed quiet and pondered if I was worrying him.

"I'm sorry! Just please open the door! We need to talk."

"Why? Just so, you can insult me again?!" I said looking at the door angrily. He stayed silent for  a while and huffed.

"Open. The. Door." He said straight. I facepalm realizing he owns me. So, I have to fucking obey. I got up off the bed and slowly grabbed the door handle. Something flashed my eyes.

I fell to the floor with bruises over my body as Felix father fell asleep. I crawled on the floor and headed to the bedroom door. I grabbed the door handle and felt my arm being grabbed.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Felix dad said as he pulled me away from me door and kicking my leg. I let out a painful scream as he started verbally abusing me.

I let go of the handle and fell back on my ass. I felt tears coming again so, I held them back.

"Mark?!" Jack said twisting the locked doorknob. "Mark?!" He screamed again, but his voice sounded so, far. He started banging on the door and he opened the door up with his weight. New lock checked.
I look up at him in utter disbelief as I rubbed my eyes he gave me an angry look and frowned.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU HAD ME FUCKING WORRIED!" He said staring into my soul.
I stayed silent as I was holding my chest because, he gave me a fucking panic attack, bursting in like that.


"BECAUSE, YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!" I said throwing a fit.

"Are you talking back to me?!" He said walking closer to me. I sighed and looked at him in defeat, I really didn't want to start a argument.

"No, Master.. I'm just..stressed."

"About what?" I shook my head and looked at the interesting floor.

"About the night?"

"NO! Oh God no! I don't even know if something even happened!"

"Chill Markimoo. Felix told me a few mintues ago he did it as a quote on quote prank." He said rolling his big blue eyes.

"Oh. Wonder why didn't we feel him- Nevermind.." I said still looking at the floor.

"Markimoo.. Do you have health insurance?"

"No. Why?"

"Well, you seem a bit crazy around the people I have over here? Something you would like to tell me?"

"Nothing. Just a history..." I said shrugging my shoulders I see a annoying expression on Jack's face as he sighs. "Just a history?" He says a bit  exaggerated.

"Just a history.." I repeated. He gave me a look and shook his head.

"What kind of history?" He asked lifting an eyebrow.

"A history. Just a history." "Well why, won't you tell me about it?" He said paying close attention to me.
"Y-you wouldn't understand.." I said before getting up and walking past him. I felt my hair being grabbed and pulled I closed my eyes and when I felt my body stopped being moved I opened my eyes to see Jack's face a bit looking furrowed.

"What was that?"

"Nothing.. I was just..saying." I said looking away as he held his grip on my hair. He gave a sign in defeat and let my hair go. I took my hand and dug my fingers in my hair.
Jack huffed and turned around from me leaving out of my room. Why does he want to know about my past so bad?! That is something I want to forget not to remember!

"MARK GET READY TOMMOROW WE ARE GOING SHOPPING!" I rolled my eyes wondering for what for? Maybe he needs something. I sighed and hoping nothing will happen bad tommorow.

The Next Day...

Jack's POV

I woke up and got dressed to go shopping  I put on a nice dark red shirt with some black pants. I slipped on my black Nike shoes and walked out my room. I walk downstairs to make some nice coffee. I start the pot and put coffee beans in as I poured water in the sides. I went over to the refrigerator and pulled out some eggs and bacon with some popable biscuits. I cracked to eggs and dropped the goo in the pot as I but 2 pieces of bacon in the same pot. The breakfast food started sizzling as the coffee started dripping inside the pot. I got out some mugs and placed them on the table. I had a mug with a green septic eye and mug with a pink mustache.
When the coffee was finished and I cooked more bacon and eggs and they were done. I put them in 2 separate plates and placed them on the table as I poured the coffee in the cups I added some sugar in the coffee and some coffee creamer to make it sweet.
Mark came inside the kitchen rubbing his eyes while wearing a long red robe with some red slippers. He looked up at me and tilted his head.

"What are you doing Master?" He asked as he started walking over to me.

"I made some breakfast. Now, eat." He nodded and sat down in front of his food and coffee. He took a sip of the coffee first and smiled. He ate a piece of the bacon and eggs and smiled looking at me.

"This is really good." He said smiling widely as he kept eating.

"Thanks." I said sitting down eating my breakfast.

"So. Er.. Where are we shopping to?" He asked sipping his sipping his coffee away.

"Oh, trust me Markimoo you're going to love it." I smirked as I sipped my coffee. I saw a fearful look on his face as if he didn't want to go.

He has to go. Remember? I own him. He's Mine.

( This was pretty much a fluff chapter lol. First one forever.)

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