Chapter 1; Who the Hell do You Think I Am?!

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Ben had just fell into a new world, and by the looks of it... a desert one "Okay... were they sure that this world needed a hero because I think..." he was cut off when a crash sounded.

Lookin back he saw a giant mushroom cloud fill the sky, "that cannot be good" he said before activating the Omnitrix. Then saw he had some new entries "Hey I don't know any of these guys" he said looking through the new aliens.

Then smirked "but under the circumstances this one seems pretty good" he said stopping on one that looked like a Pterodactyl mixed with a glider. "IT'S HERO TIME!" He said before he transformed, his head grew a large beak with two crests over his eyes like eyebrows.

His hands morphed into three clawed hands with a small blaster like protrusion on each arm. His legs became more akin to that of a bird and he developed some type of jet pack on his back.

"(Squawk) this is new, but lets see what this newbie can do" The new alien said as he deployed wings from his back and flew into the air. He flew to where ever the mushroom cloud had originated, what he had seen was a large hole. Looking down into it he heard screaming and yelling, along with the whirls of hydraulic machinery.

"That can't be good (Squawk) better help out" He squawked before flying down the hole. Once he got down the alien had saw a giant bull skull shaped robot destroying an underground village. "Oh no! HEY YOU!!" Ben screeched blasting a green laser from his mouth.

The robot turned his attention to him "whoever is piloting that robot stop this or else I'll make you" he said. "What are you doing! You're supposed to be in our side beast man!" The mecha yelled.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but know this" the alien said before landing on a nearby rock and turning back. "So long as I live an breath no force of evil shall harm any innocent lives" he then lifted his arm to show the Omnitrix. "Wherever evil stands! Whoever it shall be! If they see this symbol I will be there to stop there plans in their tracks. For I am the hero of the universe! BEN 10!!" He yelled.

"Great another brave human, let's see how that bravado works out once I flatten you!" The robot yelled before bringing his weapon down on Ben. But right before it hit the hero in question had been pulled down into the ground out of harm's way.

And Ben found himself among three individuals, one was a short boy wearing red goggles with yellow lenses and had blue hair. He also had a small mole like animal on his shoulder that looked like it was wearing black sun glasses. Another was a tall man wearing an orange visor who also had blue hair.

And the third was a tall girl with red hair tied in a pony tail, held a rifle and... was only wearing a bikini top and short shorts... upon sight of her Ben blushed like crazy. "Uh thanks for the save" he said, "no problem, the name's Kamina of team Gurren" the tall man said. "Hi I'm Simon" the boy said, "and I'm Yoko, and thanks for recognizing that my eyes were up here" the girl said.

"Anyway mind getting me up to speed as to what's going on?" Ben asked as they started moving. "Long story short me and comrades chased this Gunmen out there and had accidentally made it fall into this village" Yoko explained. "So where are we?" Ben asked "Jeeha Village" Kamina answered, "oh the pit next door then" Yoko commented.

"Next door?" The visor bearer inquired "yeah I'm from Littner village the pit next doors" the marksman answered. "Oh great you were a pit chick, care to move faster thunder thighs" Kamina complained as Ben kicked him. "Hey that's not the right way to treat a lady" he retorted "thank you?" Yoko said to him.

"Anyway Simon where are we headed?" Kamina asked "the face" the boy answered. "A face?" "A humungous face."

"Oh you mean a gunman" Yoko said, "what the hell's a Gunman?" Kamina asked as they passed by a window that showed the robot. "That's a gunman" she then took out her rifle "hold on, I'm taking out its power conduits, taking those out will stop it in its tracks."

Ultimate Gurren Lagann! Who the hell do you think I am?!Where stories live. Discover now