Chapter 4; having so many faces doesnt make you great!

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We start our chapter with Lagann walking across a desert area piloted by Simon with Gurren walking alongside him. With Ben inside a mobile recreational unit alongside Yoko and Leeron, "man how long has it been?" Ben asked looking at the horizon.

"According to the data in Gurren Ben sweetie, the Beastman Headquarters is a long distance away. So we'll undoubtedly be traveling for a ways to go" Leeron said, the sweetie part made Ben shiver but he just ignored it. "Just try to hang in there, at least you're not in his boat" Yoko added pointing to Simon who was complaining about being hungry.

The shapeshifter sighed before looking to the Horizon again, once the group stopped Ben took the opportunity to train in some of his new forms. First off was a new alien that looked similar to a preying mantis mixed with a Grasshopper with a strong head, he called this new form Crash Hopper, "Okay, let's see how the newbie rolls" he said before hopping everywhere. "That Alien doesn't seem to powerful" Yoko commented, "though you may be right, every one of alien forms has some form of use" Crash Hopper responded before ramming his head into a giant rock.

"Hey That didn't even hurt, I'm getting better at this" he commented, "eww... while Ben's new form is pretty fast and impressive why did it have to be a bug of all things?" Leeron complained shivering. After getting enough of a grip with the bug like extraterrestrial he switched aliens, now he was a almost buff looking alien made of several LEGO like blocks from when he got in this world. This form was one Ben referred to as Bloxx, though the name may not be creative it is reasonable.

"Talk about your interconnected relations" he joked before stretching his arm aa his hand took the form of a hammer. His other appendage then stretched and morphed to form a basket, "while my bonds may not be as strong than normal, I can still hold it together" he said before laughing to himself. Then stretched somewhere else, "ha ha, that's pretty funny" Yoko giggled, "which the alien or the puns?" Leeron asked, "or do you just find him your type?" He added with a sly grin making her blush. "H-hey knock it off!" She said pushing him away, the next new alien Ben tried out was a small one.

A yellow bug like alien with four legs, a horned crest on his head with big black eyes, green pupils and a beak like mouth. "Okay, another new guy, wish I knew what he does" The new alien sighed before walking around, Yoko took notice of him "aww, though this form is small it's very adorable" she cooed scratching Ben's head. Making him blush in the process.

Leeron then walked over "while it is still a bug I have to agree with Yoko, this little darling is really cute" he said. "Stop it" he groaned before coughing, then hacking, then Ben spat up a ball of green slime and began rolling around on it. "Uh oh... help! HELP!" Ben cried as he began to roll around on the ball, "oh No! AHH!!" Both Leeron And Yoko screamed running away as he came back with the ball some how gaining more mass.

Meanwhile with Kamina and Simon "what? Special training?" The younger boy asked confused. "Remember our combining Simon? Our combining?" Kamina said remembering the whole thing. Mainly the fact that to do it the man had slammed the smaller Mech into his own's head. "Thinking about it embarrasses me we were lame" he said shivering at the thought. "Listen Simon? A manly combining ought to be something more graceful and elegant, the act of two souls forming a raging inferno and And and And..." her was interrupted when they heard screaming. "HELP!!!" Turning to the voice they saw Yoko and Leeron still running away as Ben's new alien continuously barreled towards them on its ball now almost bigger than Lagann with no hope of stopping. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! THERE ARENT ANY BREAKS ON THIS THING!!!" Ben yelled as Kamina and Simon screamed and the boy jumped on his older brother's shoulders to escape being flattened. "Huh?! Hey that's it! It's like how you jumped on my shoulders Simon" Kamina said, "huh?" The boy said confused. They then turned to see the three coming back and ran away.

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