Chapter 2: I said I'm Gonna be to pilot that thing dammit!!

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Ben, Yoko, Simon and Kamina look up to see two more of those Gunmen things. "Everyone get in Lagann and run!!" Ben yelled before turning into Heatblast and shot a flamethrower at one of the Gunmen's face as a distraction.

"Over hear ya over sized bucket of bolts!!!" Ben taunted before becoming XLR8 and ran behind them. "Over Hear!" The Alien velociraptor yelled before dodging a punch. "Missed me!" He doves once more "missed me again!"

"Your traitorous scum why are you helping them?!" The robots yelled before Ben got them once more in the face as Cannonbolt. "Well for one thing I'm not one of you!" The arburian Pelarota said before curling up and bolted towards the other one. To which the machine caught him "ha nice try tiny but I'm not that stupid to make the same mistake twi... GAAAAHHH?!?!?!" The robot's arm had been shot. Uncurling Cannonbolt saw Yoko on top of Lagann aiming her rifle at the hand. "Thanks Yoko" Ben yelled before rolling towards them, then those gunmen got in the way again. "Think you can escape us that way Tiny?" They asked.

Ben uncurled "wasn't gonna run" he then turned into "Humungosaur!!!!" The Alien dinosaur then grew to a tremendous size. "Let's see how you like picking on someone your own super sized size!!" He roared before charging down the mechs to get to Simon and the others.

Then picked up Lagann with them still aboard "so what's the plan?" He asked "I vote going back home" Simon said visibly nervous. "Fight them head on! A man never runs when faced with danger!" Kamina yelled. Yoko looked around then her face lit up "I've got it! Quick head that way and keep going" she said.

Humungosaur nodded and ran in the direction she pointed to "I hope you know what you're doing" he said increasing speed. "This ones a friendly this one's a friendly don't shoot!" She yelled, "huh?" "What?" "Quick jump over that large sand mound and then turn back" Yoko instructed.

The vaxasaurian then leaped and turned back climbing inside Lagann "Okay now what?" He asked. He then noticed Simon trembling "Uh Simon might want to keep calm I don't think that's gonna" he then saw the spiral screen where Simon inserted his drill pendant loose it's glow. "Never mind" he muttered before they all fell to the ground, once they did Ben said a lot of men holding guns aimed at the Gunmen.

"Diaka!! Fire now!" The red head yelled "you heard the lady fire!" One man yelled as all the men started shooting at the gunmen in front. Yoko then climbed higher and aimed, only when she pulled the trigger she was out of ammunition. "Oh no I'm empty" she said "I've got it" Ben said, she turned to him only to see he became upgrade again. Then leapt onto her gun, "hey what're you doing?!" She exclaimed.

Then saw that the alien was merging with her rifle making more advanced "take aim!" Yoko snapped out of her stupor and aimed her rifle at the gunman. "And... FIRE!!" The girl pulled the trigger, and out of the fire arm went a powerful bullet made from energy which shot the gunmen.

After a while the machine bloated up and exploded, and after something small crawled out of it. "Hey something jumped out of it" Kamina inquired seeing it. The thing was some kind of man beast thing... it actually looked more like a big mass of black fur shaped into a man.

"Oh man that's my Gunmen" he whined, the other gunmen then picked him up. "We need to retreat, it's almost sundown. We'll try again in the morning" he said. The other creature then yelled saying they'd rue the day and that's when the men started shooting again.

"Wow tough crowd" Ben commented, "so that's what's inside those things eh?" Kamina said seeing them run off. "Those are beastmen, they're the ones piloting all the Gunmen" Yoko explained "that actually explains why the one we saw down there looked like a cattle skull they most model their gunmen after different kinds of creatures" Ben commented. "To show off their beastly side"

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