Chapter 3: a two faced bastard

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Late at night we currently see Litner village having a party in victory of team Gurren. Along with Kamina's own Gunmen being repaired and modified so it won't break from punching again. With Ben he was sitting afar smiling at his new friend Kaminari as he narrated he rescue Simon did to save himself and the boastful bravado man.

"What a goof" the shapeshifter chuckled at how Kamina told the story, strange how the dude had been shocked to see his father who went up to the surface long ago dead so happy now. Ben then took notice of his own attire seeing how that battle tore the clothes to shreds, "I'm really gonna need those new clothes soon" he groaned before spotting Simon sitting in Lagan standing in front of Kamina's gunmen.

"So why are the other heroes acting so distant?" He heard Youko ask the two of them, "what? I'm no hero..." Simon said as Ben walked over to them. "I'm just not in the partying mood" he said, "hey is he okay?" Youko asked looking at Kamina, "you mean bro?" "Yeah, Only wanted to do was get to the surface So he could be reunited with his father. But instead he finds out that he's been dead all this time so that could've come as a shock so why is he pretending not to care?" Yoko asked. Ben also got why she was asking "I get why you're asking, if I found my family dead I'd probably be depressed like no one's business" he added.

"I don't think that's it" Simon said getting the two's attention, "it's not just about seeing his dad again. See, he's hated himself since he couldn't go with him because he was a kid, but now he's a man so he can go, that's why he wanted to see him" the digger explained. The two pondered, "doesn't that still mean he wanted to be reunited with his dad?" Yoko asked, "an excellent point" Ben pointed out.

"No it's not it's totally different" Simon argued, "I think..." he added just as confused as the older two. "I'm having a hard time following" Yoko replies with a deadpanned face, Ben thought for a moment and came up with something. "Maybe it's not about that" he said grabbing the two's attention, "maybe it's because Kamina's dad told him a few aspects about being a man. Maybe one of those aspects was not to dwell on the sad moments of the past, and push forward to continue the legacy of those before us." Ben continued, the red head went wide eyed "so you're saying that maybe instead of getting depressed about his father's death Kamina is pushed through that sadness and carrying his father's legacy?" She asked.

"Something along those lines" Ben said before hearing Kamina calling him "Hey Ben get over here, I bet I can beat you in an eating contest!" He boasted. "Not a chance, I'll be back with you two in a minute" Ben said before walking over to the designated leader of Team Gurren as Upchuck. Yoko and Simon gazed at their teammate with awe "seems like Ben's been through a lot to understand what Kamina must be feeling" Yoko said. "I'd believe it, earlier in the day he gave us a preview with his alien Brainstorm about how his life was like before coming here" Simon added.

The next day, we currently see Ben standing next to Kamina and Simon in front of the visor man's newly repaired gunmen. "This turned out great" Simon said as Ben nodded in agreement, "I'll say, the visor you put on that thing was a nice touch" the shapeshifter commented. "Yup, they managed to combine all three of those Gunmen" Kamina said when Yoko appeared. "What's with that weird Logo on your back?" She asked the two; true enough there was an odd logo on Simon and Ben's jackets.

As for Ben's new clothes Leeron gave them to him this morning, Ben now had an green cape on his back with an emerald interior. Shorts made from his original torn jeans, black boots and a new addition, a visor on above his eyes that looked similar to Kamina's. Only they're the same green as the Omnitrix and in the shape of a sideways hourglass. As for the logo on their backs, it was a flame on the top with a skull on the bottom with Kamina's visor on, in front of the Omnitrix symbol. "That's the logo for team Gurren baby!" The leader said boastfully, "I said it would be fine if Kamina hadn't used he Omnitrix's symbol but he insisted" Ben said.

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