Katherine Valentina Casales

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Basic Statistics

Name: Katherine Valentina Casales
Age: 16
Nationality: Mexican
Hometown: Santa Cecilia
Current Residence: Santa Cecilia
Occupation: Singer, dancer and Musician 
Talents/Skills: Dancing, singing, songwriting, climbing, Gymnastics and boxing.
Birth order: youngest out of two sisters. She shares a very close and sweet relationship with her older sister Grace.

Grandparents (describe relationship): Katherine was once very close with her grandma and when she died all Katherine wants is one more chance to see her again and apologise for a fight the two had just before her grandmother died. This relationship and fight is the reason Katherine journey's to the land of the dead in the first place. 

Significant Others (describe relationship): Miguel Rivera is Katherine's best friend and love interest. The two have similar tastes in music and careers and fully support and look out for each other. The two are constantly flirting and bordering on a romantic relationship, yet neither of them really know if they should push for that relationship or just leave it as best friends. 

Relationship skills: Katherine is polite, kind, gentle, calm, generous, good, nice, helpful, brave, confident, sarcastic, and positive. so it is no surprise as to why she has many friends and that loads of people love her hardworking, bubbly and positive personality and attitude towards life. It is very easy to get along with Katherine. She loves to make friends, though she can also me shy and cautious around strangers. Once your friend, always your friend and th type of girl who will never make a permanent enemy and somehow finds a way to forgive anyone and see the good in them, even when others can't.

Physical Characteristics:

Height: 4 ft 11 inches
Weight: 6st 12lb
Race: Hispanic
Eye Color: Dark chocolate brown
Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black
Glasses or contact lenses?
Skin color: Tan
Shape of Face: Diamond
Distinguishing features: Perfect dancer figure as a result of a good healthy diet and hard work and training with her dancing and sport. Her body is slightly toned from going to the gym a couple of times a week, self defense and kickboxing lessons.
How does he/she dress?: Usual clothes are incredibly casual and slightly sporty. she is often seen with her regular style of baggy trousers/jogging bottoms and a long sleeved plain baseball shirt (in various colours).
Mannerisms: Bites her pinkie fingernail when nervous and often plays with her hair too. Is often seen pacing when nervous too, but this is usually before she is forced to go on stage or in front of a crowd. 
Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.): None
Health: Excellent
Hobbies: Reading, writing songs, running, Sport (Track and soccer), Dancing and singing.
Favorite Sayings:  "Normal is a myth"
"I love doing what interests me. I don't tell you to stop loving what interests you, so you don't tell me to stop loving what I love"
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Casual/sporty
Greatest flaw: Too trusting for her own good sometimes.
Best quality: Kindness and determination.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: Goes to school in Santa Cecilia
Intelligence Level: High
Any Mental Illnesses?: None
Character's short-term goals in life: To go to the land of the dead and reconcile with her grandmother
Character's long-term goals in life: To become a great dancer (Failed)
to become a great singer, songwriter and writer (all succeeded)
How does Character see himself/herself?: Katherine knows how people see her and what her family/teachers/friends expect on her so puts unnecessary pressure on herself at times though she knows she isn't defined by what others think of her and is her own person while also working hard to please those she loves. She knows all her own flaws and is happy with them. she knows they are a part of who she is and knows she can't change who she is, nor does she want to.
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others?: She believes she is perceived as a hard working, ambitious teenager who is expected to do well. She knows her family and friends perceive her as a kind, soulful girl with a heart of gold and a love of the arts who never gives up on her dreams.
How self-confident is the character?: quite self confident.
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?: A bit of both really though its mainly her emotions.
What would most embarrass this character?: if someone saw her artwork (one of the only things she is actually insecure about)

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths/Weaknesses: Her strengths are her kindness, determination, confidence (most of the time), loyalty and undying passion for the things she loves. Her weaknesses are her ability to let her emotions rule her head, at times too trusting nature and at times being her own biggest critic.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert
How does the character deal with anger?: Rarely gets angry but is normally icy cold eyt calm when angry.
With sadness?: Very quiet and tries to act strong in front of others but still isn't afraid or embarrassed to show her sadness
With conflict?: doesn't like conflict that much.
With change?: Depends on the change though reacts generally well to it.
With loss?: Quiet and sad.
What does the character want out of life?: To fulfill her dreams and have a good life while she does it. wants to live life the way she wants it and to have the freedom to make all of her own choices in life.
What would the character like to change in his/her life?: Her insecurities with her art (which is actually really good)
What motivates this character?: Family, friends and personal dreams.
What frightens this character?: Spiders, needles and she has stagefright (very briefly)
What makes this character happy?: being with her best friend Miguel Rivera, Her cat Xochiquetzal (Xochi for short)
Is the character judgmental of others?: No, tries to see the good in everyone
Is the character generous or stingy? Generous
Is the character generally polite or rude?: Polite yet sarcastic

Spiritual Characteristics

Does the character believe in God?: Yes
What are the character's spiritual beliefs?: Believes in the stories of the day of the dead in her culture
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life?: yes
If so, what role does it play?: Not a big part though she believes in some important customs and celebrations in relation with her culture.

How the Character is Involved in the Story

Character's role in the novel (main character? hero? heroine? Romantic interest? etc.): Protagonist
Scene where character first appears: first chapter freaking out over a talent show performance
Relationships with other characters:

Miguel Rivera is Katherines Best friend and eventual love interest/boyfriend. these two are incredibly close and have practically known eachother since birth. Katherine was the only one who knew the extent of Miguel's love of music before the events of Coco and fully supports and helps him learn music and teaches him all he needs to know about songwriting and music prior and after the movie. When Coco: the music of love takes place five years after the movie these two have grown closer than ever before and already have feelings for each other and both sort of know it but don't really admit it until Katherine goes to the land of the dead looking for her dead grandmother.

How character is different at the end of the novel from when the novel began: Katherine is at first terrified of the stage, despite her dreams of singing, dancing and acting on stage. By the end of the story she is more confident on stage and loves doing what she believes she was born to do, while also doing it with her best friend/boyfriend.

Additional Notes on This Character: Katherine will appear in flashbacks from the movie to show her and miguel's relationship as best friends. her favourite colour is blue. Her favourite actors are Sebastian Stan and Bobby Cannavale. Her favourite food is tamales. Katherine's favourite colours are Yellow, red and Blue. Her She loves animals. She can ride a horse. Kathrine is also talented somewhat in gymnastics and is very flexible. She is a year younger than Miguel. She is somewhat annoyed at her short height. Her nicknames are Short stuff, Kathy and Kat. Katherine also has a passion for learning the stories of her ancestors and the mythology surrounding her culture.   

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