Vampire Mafia Boss Chapter 3.

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'Sweetie wake up.' Maria wakes you sweetly up. 

'I don't want to wake up yet.' You respond. 

'You have to, sweetie. You are gonna shop today.' Maria says.

'What are we waiting for then.' You say and you quickly get dressed. You don't do your makeup because there is no time. 

When you come downstairs you see that Jimin was already waiting for you. He smiles sweetly at you and you smile back because ever since that conversation with Maria you tried to see the things through his eyes. You were once in the same position sorta. You saw how the boy you've loved for years got a relationship with your best friend. She obviously isn't your best friend anymore. You understand Jimin and that's why you are trying to be nice to him.


The two you are now in the van driving home. You got a lot of new clothes. It was fun. The last time you had so much fun was a couple years ago when you and your mom went to a waterpark. You also got to know Jimin more. 

When you arrived at Jimin's house the two of you were greeted by Maria. It was already late so Maria guided you to your bedroom. 

'Maria, can I go to the garden?' You ask sweetly. She nod. You thank her and you walk downstairs to the garden. You go to the bench on which you also sat yesterday. You think about what all happened today. Suddenly you hear gunshots. You see Maria running out of the house towards you. 

'Honey you have to hide.' She says to you. You nod but before you could hide you see something on Jimin's balcony. You see two people on the balcony fighting.

'Where is she?' You hear the man ask Jimin. 

'I don't know.' He answers. You hear another shot and the man that was attacking Jimin falls off the balcony. You see that the door that leads to the garden opens. You see how one of the men stabs the other. You and Maria try to get behind a bush quietly but it fails. The man looks at your direction. Maria walks towards the man so you can hide in the bush. It works! The man apparently doesn't care about Maria because he turns around and goes back in the house. 

'We got to get away.' Maria says. You nod and you try to find an escape route. Maria says that she knows a route. You follow her. She stops in front of a door in the ground. She opens it so you and she can go in there. After 10 minutes Maria decides to look outside. You follow her. It's quiet so you and Maria think that the fight is over until there is a loud scream. You want to run inside but Maria stops you. 

'You can't go in there.' She says.

'But I have to. This happens because they want me so let's stop this and give them what they want.' You try to convince Maria. She shakes her head and the two of you go inside the room. One of Jimin's men comes in. you believe his name was Jungkook. He's the youngest of everyone here besides you. 

'Are you okay?' You ask. He nods but you can see that he isn't. You try to clean his wounds with what's in the room. 

'What's happening up there?' You ask him. 

'A lot.' He responds. 

After a couple minutes Maria is going to look again. She signals that it's safe. 


I was about to sleep when suddenly I hear gunshots. I immediately go to the others. We grab our guns and the fight begins. Someone attacks me and we end up fighting on my balcony. I almost died but Suga was there to save me. If he was one second later I would have died. I thank him and we run to the others to help them. Jungkook and some dude end somehow up fighting outside. I shoot the man and walk to Jungkook.

'Go to the underground basement and hide there.' I command him. He nods and runs away. I and the others continue to fight against the B33S. When they said that we would be in trouble if we didn't give (Y/N) back to her mother we didn't believe them. They definitely weren't joking. I hope (Y/N) is safe.


'I hope Jimin is safe.' You say softly hoping no one would hear it. 

'He is safe.' Jungkook replies. Shit! I said it too loud. 

'Kids come.' Maria says reminding us that we can go back again. We nod and go to the garden. You hear a helicopter sound and you look up. You see a helicopter with men hanging out of it. The attack isn't over. They gave us just a 'break'. 

'Maria look up.' You say pointing at the sky. Maria looks up. 

'Go back to the basement and lock it. Let no one in! I'm gonna warn the others.' Jungkook says and he runs back the house in. You and Maria go back to the basement. Maria locks it. You hear someone knock on it.

'Please let me in.' You hear someone saying. 

'It's a trap and I don't recognise the voice.' Maria says. She knows everyone very well because she was one of the first maids here. You nod and decide to ignore the person knocking. You hear the person kick the door and then he goes away. 


'Maria look up.' (Y/N) says while pointing at the sky. I look up and see a helicopter with men hanging out of it. 

'Go back to the basement and lock it. Let no one in! I'm gonna warn the others.' I say and I run the house in again.

'Jungkook-ah what's wrong? We won, be happy.' J-Hope says when he sees me. I shake my head.

'Look outside. They gave us a little 'break'.' Everyone looks outside. 

'Shit! We don't have any bullets anymore.' Says Taehyung who just comes from the weapon room.

'The we still have the emergency weapon room right?' Suga says. Taehyung shakes his head. We hear gunshots and everyone hides behind something. Jimin signs to me that I have to go to the basement because it may be too dangerous for me. I shake my head and mouth: 'I'll not leave you guys alone.' He mouth back: 'Fine but be careful.' Before he got shot.

Vampire Mafia Boss (Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now