Vampire Mafia Boss Chapter 13.

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Best of Me (Korean version) and Don't Leave Me fit so well with this chapter ㅠㅠ


'Hyung, we found her.' Jungkook says. I can hear a tint of panic in his voice. I run towards him.

'Where's she?'

'She's heavily injured. We have to get her to a doctor as soon as possible.' Taehyung tells me.

'Get the doctor then. NOW!'

'Hyung, the doctor died while fighting...' Jungkook says to me.

'Get her to a hospital then. She can't die.' I say. Jungkook and Taehyung nod. Jungkook runs with (Y/N) in his hands. I hope she'll make it.


I walk into her room. There she lays. Doctors keep running in and out her room. I grab a chair and place it next to her bed. I grab her hand and I start talking to her.

'We found the man who did this. I killed him. We are now after the rest of his family and all the people he has ever loved. We will kill all of them. Please wake up soon. I can't live without you. I need you, girl. It's been two days and I'm already going crazy. Please, please wake up.'

I hear a knock on the door which makes me turn around. It's a doctor and she has a clipboard in her hands. I hope it is something goods.

'Any news?' I ask her. She sadly nods.

'Miss Song is getting better but we aren't sure if she will wake up. The chances of her waking up lowered a lot today. More than usually. I'm sorry.' She tells me and she walks away. She forgot the clipboard. I grab the wooden thing and look at the paper attached to it. It has all your data on it including how your recovering is going.


Name; Song (Y/N)

Blood type; (Y/B/T)

Date of birth; (Y/Bday)


Day 1; The patient is doing well. She reacts to most of the tests. The wounds are healing well although there may be some scars left. Chance of waking up is 90%.

Day 2; The patient barely reacted to the tests. The healing of the wounds is going slower than yesterday. The heart of the patient has sometimes trouble beating on it's own. Chance of waking is 48%.

'Please, please, please wake up (Y/N). I need you.' I say crying.

'I'll come back tomorrow and I hope that you'll have woken up when I come in. You promise me you'll wake up when I walk into the room tomorrow? Okay? I will see you tomorrow. I love you.' I give her a kiss on her forehead and I go back home.

I go immediately to my room ignoring everyone. I lock the door and start crying. She doesn't deserve this. She should have been healthy right now. It's my fault she's in the hospital. If I wasn't so obsessed with her she would've still been healthy. I should just have watched her from a distance. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry (Y/N).

The bright sunlight wakes me up. I check the time on my phone. It's 2 pm (14;00). I take a quick shower. I grab my car keys and go to the hospital.

I walk into her room and I see that someone wrote on the paper. I take the clipboard to read the paper.

Day 3; The patient didn't react to anything. The wounds are just the same as yesterday. The patient was given something to let the wounds heal faster and the patient was given something against the pain she must be feeling. The heart of the patient stopped for a couple minutes. Chance of waking up 26%.

No, no no, this can't be happening.

'(Y/N) please don't go. I'm nothing without you. Please wake up.'

Beep... beep... beep...

'No, don't leave me. You promised you would wake up. You promised.' I cry as I see that her heart is stopping.

Doctors rush in the room. I stand outside of the room. I'm scared. I'm so afraid. Don't leave me. I see Jungkook running towards me. Someone must've called him so he can keep me calm.

The doctors all go out of the room. They don't look very happy. Does that mean she died? I hope not. I hope this is just a stupid prank. I need her. I can't live without her. Jungkook let me go into the room first. There she lays. They removed all the devices. This is the end. She's not here anymore. I can't stop crying. Jungkook knocks on the door and he rushes immediately to me. He's trying to comfort me. I pretend as if it works just so Jungkook feels good but the truth is it didn't work. I miss her.

I've locked myself up in my room again. I'm still crying about her. My (Y/N), my princess, my love. She left me. I miss you. I miss you so much. If there only was a way to get you back. I wish there was a way for me to be with you again. I hope you are waiting for me up there. I hope we will meet again but the chances are low. You are probably a beautiful angel in heaven. I will, without a doubt, be a ugly monster in hell. We will never meet again. Today was the last day I saw you. 

I'm so sorry ㅠㅠ

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