Vampire Mafia Boss Chapter 8.

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When the meeting was over Yeontan immediately jumped of Taehyung's lap and ran towards the door. When the door got opened Yeontan immediately ran away. I decide to follow the dog. Yeontan runs towards (Y/N) and they cuddle for a while. Suddenly Yeontan walks away and signs (Y/N) to follow. I follow them quietly. They stop in front of the door. How did Yeontan know about this door? The dog walks away and grabs the key. How does he know all of this? Yeontan drops the key in front of (Y/N). I start to walk closer to them. (Y/N) freezes when she hears someone coming. Yeontan start woofing. Does he seriously think that that will scare me? I walk closer and closer. Suddenly the lamps begin to flicker which makes it scarier for (Y/N).

'What are you doing here?' I ask her. She stays frozen in her spot. Yeontan begins woofing louder and louder. That dog really thinks that he's scary or something.

'What are you doing here?' I ask again when she still hasn't anwsered my question.

'Yeontan, go away.' (Y/N) says and the dog goes away after giving me a woof.

'Yeontan lead me to here. He also gave me the key so I thought that maybe he wanted me to grab something from there for him.' She answers when she finally faces me. She gives me the key and we walk away from the door. If she ever finds out what's behind that door she'll definitely also put me there and I don't want that. The thought only makes me shiver.

When (Y/N) and I are in the living room I see V cuddling with Yeontan again. As soon as the dog sees me he begins to bark and growl. V whispers something to the dog and he stops.

'How does that thing know about the secret door?' I ask Taehyung when (Y/N) walks away.

'First of all, that thing's name is Yeontan and I don't know. He likes exploring the house. You should let him look behind it, maybe then he won't be so curious about it.' Taehyung replies.

'Never, that door is only for us and not for that thing.' I say. Taehyung sighs because he knows that I win all the arguments.

'Namjoon has found the Cable Cutter.' Jin says happily when he sees me.

'Really? Show me.' I command and Jin takes me to RM's studio.

I'll get my revenge. Those stupid B33S. I'll definitely not let them get away with this, no not today.

'We have to get revenge.' I say to Namjoon and Seokjin. They nod.

'They will do something back again then.' Namjoon reminds me.

'Yeah, that's true but I won't let them get away with it.' I reply. Again they nod.

'Shall I get the others?' Jin asks. I shake my head.

'Let's do discuss it tomorrow, it's already late.' I see letting my eyes fall on the clock that says 23:48/11: 48 PM.


You woke up today feeling not really well. You have a headache and you feel like throwing up. You think that you've eaten something wrong but you can't remember what. You ate spaghetti with meatballs yesterday with Yeontan. Jimin and the others were gone, discussing things or they had already eaten. At least Yeontan was there. You love the dog so much. Yeontan reminds you of your own dog Fluffy. Thinking of Fluffy makes you really miss your mom. Her scent, her laugh and her stupid jokes. She was your best friend. You've never seen her as your mother more as a best friend because she did everything a best friend would also do. Sometimes she was a mother but most of the time she was your best friend. You miss shopping with her, eating with her and telling about your day. You've seen your mother not for almost a month. You miss her every day more.

You walk to the bathroom and take a couple paracetamols.

'Woof.' You hear behind you.

'Yeontan!' You say happily when you see the dog running towards you.

'I love you.' You say kissing the dog on his nose. You hear Jimin coming close. Immediately you hear Yeontan barking and growling. What has Yeontan against Jimin?

'Hey.' Jimin says with a cute smile when he sees you. You've become really close with Jimin this month. When he kidnapped you, you never would have thought that you would ever love the boy. You have fallen for the boy and you've fallen hard. You put Yeontan on the ground again and he runs away.

'What has Yeontan against you?' I ask him when the dog is gone.

'I don't know, babe.' He replies. You feel your cheeks going red.

'You're cute when you blush. Never mind, you are always cute.' Jimin says with a wink.

'Hey, stop it.' You say punching him in a playful way.

'Never.' He replies. He takes a step closer to you. Your lips are almost touching. You smash your lips on his. You feel him grinning against your lips. He carries you to the bedroom, still kissing you. 

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