Vampire Mafia Boss Chapter 11.

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Who turned the lights off? You sigh. Suddenly after a couple seconds the lights go back on.

'Missed me, baby girl?' It's Jimin! You nod. Jimin goes over to you and carries you bridal style out of the room. You see dead bodies everywhere. Not only from Haneul's men but also Jimin's men, their dead bodies are everywhere.

'Where are you going?' A voice says. Jimin's expression immediately changed.

'Haneul,' He says angrily. 'what do you want?'

'Revenge.' The other man, named Haneul, says. Revenge? For what? What did Jimin do to him?

'I want revenge because you killed the only person I ever loved.' Haneul says. He looks like he's going to cry. 'I'm going to make sure you'll feel the same pain, Park Jimin. Mark my words because I'm not joking.' Haneul says creepily.

'And why did I kill her?' Jimin says while he puts you down. You stand behind him until you feel someone touching your shoulder.

'Come with me.' The person says.


There he is, the man I hate so much, in front of me. The man that merciless killed my fiancé killed in front of my eyes. He's a couple meters away from me. I try to grab my gun only to find out that someone took it. Shit who took it?

'You're looking for this one?' Someone behind me says. I turn around slowly. It's one of his men. I easily knock the man down. I grab my gun back and I kill him. I turn around but Jimin is gone. Shit.

'Boss, he's in the room. He has her.' One of my men says.

'Make sure all the exits are blocked. He can't get away before he felt the pain I felt and still feel every single second of my life. I'll do this for you, my love, my everything. I miss you.' I say. A tear escapes and rolls over my cheek. I quickly wipe it away before anyone sees it. Luckily the man already went away. I quickly go to the room where (Y/N) is. I hide somewhere near the entrance and I wait patiently until they come out. That'll be the moment I'll make sure he feels the same pain as me or I can wait and make sure he feels more pain than me.


We finally reached his house. The place where he keeps my princess.

'Hyung, what's the plan?' Jungkook asks.

'Let's do it like this...' I says and I tell my plan to them.

'Good idea, hyung.' Taehyung says and everyone does so as I said.

We enter the building and everything goes as I planned. After a couple minutes I finally reached the room where he keeps her. I try to open the door but it doesn't work. Shit.

'Hyung, what are you doing?' Jungkook says. Where did he came from? Shouldn't he be on his position?

'I'm trying to open the door and shouldn't you be on your position?' I say.

'Hyung, my position is here. Remember? I have to make sure no one comes.' Jungkook reminds me. Oh yeah, that's true.

'Hyungie, I managed to get the pass you need to open the door.' Jungkook tells me while he shows me the pass. He hands the pass to me and I open the door.

'It worked! Thank you, Kook.' Jungkook nods and runs away the minute he hears footsteps coming closer.

I enter the room when suddenly I hear a gunshot. I let myself fall to the ground and crawl to a corner. The lights go off and I patiently wait a couple minutes until its safe. I stand up and the lights go on. I see (Y/N).

'Missed me, baby girl?' I say and she happily turns around and looks at me. I go to her and carry her bridal style out of the room.

'Where are you going?' A voice says. It's him, the man I hate so much.

'Haneul, what do you want.' I angrily say. Can't he just disappear?

'Revenge,' He replies. 'I want revenge because you killed the only person I ever loved. I'm going to make sure you'll feel the same pain, Park Jimin. Mark my words because I'm not joking.' He says. Is he trying to make me scared or something? I can tell him that it's not working. I put (Y/N) down and I give him a death glare. I can feel that (Y/N) hides behind me.


It's Jungkook! You follow Jungkook outside. We go into one of the hidden vans.

'Where are the others?' I ask him.

'They are with Jimin.' He answers the question. I nod.

After a couple minutes the other including Jimin enter the van.

'Is everyone okay?' I ask worried. All seven of them nod. Good.

It was a quiet but not awkward ride.

When you arrive home you immediately go to your room. You hear someone knock on the door.

'Come in.' You say. You expect one of the boys but instead a woman opens the door.

'Hello, I'm Hyereum and I'm your new maid.' She politely introduces herself. She looks like she's about 25 years. She could be older or younger you don't know cause she didn't tell her age.

'Can I do something for you, miss?' She asks.

'No, I'm fine.' You reply. Hyereum nods and walks away after telling you that when you need something you can always call her since she gave you her number.


After we arrived home me and the boys immediately went to the meeting room.

'We need more security.' I say and the others agree.

'I agree, but were do we get them? We can't just tell everyone that we need security. Haneul's men, for example, can then get in the house.' RM says.

'That's true. Has anyone an idea?' I say.

'What if we use some of the prisoners?' Taehyung suggests.

'That's possible but how do we know who we can trust and who we can't?' Suga says.

'We'll have to test them.' I say mysteriously.

'What do you have in mind, hyungie?' Jungkook asks.

I tell them about a test that I made a long time ago and they agree with it.

'How are we going to get all the stuff needed?' Jin asks.

'I have everything already.' I reply.

After the meeting we separate and do our own things. I was sitting on the couch playing a game until I hear (Y/N) screaming. I immediately run to her room.

'What's wrong?' I ask her.

'Spider.' She replies half screaming. She points at a mini spider in the corner of the room.

'You're scared of a baby spider, a tiny baby spider?' I ask her confused. She nods. I sigh and catch the spider so I can let it go outside.

'It's gone.' I say when I go back to her.

'Thank you.' She says and she jumps her bed in.

'Goodnight, Jiminie.'

'Goodnight, princess.' 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any questions or if you have a good idea that I can add in the book tell me. :)

& Stream MONO by Joon :)

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