Why education is so fucking important

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I just had a guy tell me "I don't watch We Bare Bears because I'm not a queer."

I think that one sentence was stupid enough to give me an aneurism. I'm so fucking serious.

I think most people (especially students) don't see the importance of education, mostly because we're learning things we might never need in life instead of things we absolutely need. Like knowing how to cook, do your taxes, what types of jobs there are, in depth sexual education including LGBTQ+ sex Ed, and so, so much more.

I personally think Ethics is an overviewed class, and one not very well taught by tired underpaid teachers who frankly don't give a shit that their students are homophobes or sexists.

As a school, your only goal is to educate kids. That one goal. A big one, but just that singular one.

And they're still doing shit.

Why is there not first and foremost a social science class that teaches you about what LGBTQ is and what it means?? That kid that told me watching a cute bear cartoon is queer probably doesn't even know the true meaning of it.

When I told him that I was gay, he looked me dead in the eyes and told me "You can't be gay. Girls aren't gay."

I think my brains cells are still trying to process his train of thought.

First of all, GAY is commonly used as an umbrella term, meaning that it could mean you're homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, and the many many more sexualities there are, very similar to the term QUEER.

So for a guy to tell me that I, a girl, cannot be any of the labels that falls under "GAY", because I simply can't be gay, enraged me beyond belief.

This is such a perfect example of ignorance.

Not being taught or not learning about important social issues or even human ones such as how girls can definitely be gay is a gateway for homophobia.

That boy that said all those idiotic things might not be homophobic just because he said those things. He could be homophobic because he is ignorant about these things.

I can't believe that people can be this ignorant when hey literally hold something that could tell the any answer you ask—a phone. That's right! You can literally google anything you're unsure about.

So why could people still be so goddamn uneducated?

Ignorance is a goddamn disease. It spreads around like the fucking plague and causes symptoms like homophobia, racism, sexism, the belief of white supremacy (which branches under racism), transphobia (which is related to homophobia) and stupid, stupid fucking comments like "Watching We Bare Bears is queer" or "Jogging is gay".

We CANNOT be learning how electrical circuits work before we learn about Human Rights or Mental Health or How to SAFELY have Gay Sex (and gay including lesbian).

This shit is ridiculous and it's about time someone spoke up about this unique brand of stupidity.

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