Advice from future Peter

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*listening to Arabella by Artic Monkeys* *sings*"My days end best when this sunset gets itself.Behind that little lady sitting on the passenger side.It's much less picturesque without her catching the light"

*sees a portal open and takes out headphones*

aww man I wanted to finish listening to my song

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aww man I wanted to finish listening to my song

*21 year old Peter walks out of the portal*

21 year old Peter:Well the next verse goes like this*sings*"The horizon tries but it's just not as kind on the eyes.As Arabella.As Arabella.Just might have tapped into your mind and soul.You can't be sure"

*snickers* I still suck at singing

21 year old Peter:*smirks* and I still have the witty attitude as a teenager

21 year old Peter:*smirks* and I still have the witty attitude as a teenager

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*chuckles* so why are you here me?

21 year old Peter:To give you advice  for your date with Gwen

Alright, so what do I do?

21 year old Peter:You see follow the advice you already got from Star

Alright and what else

21 year old Peter: also don't wear your glasses on your date. It makes us look innocent

What no they don't

21 year old Peter:*sighs and puts on glasses* yes they do. You see glasses equals innocent looking Peter

 You see glasses equals innocent looking Peter

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-_- fine...but I'm still gonna wear glasses when ever I want to

21 year old Peter:Which is almost all the time

Hell yeah cause glasses look cool

21 year old Peter:*nods* and last piece of advice...put Wade in a cage so he won't ruin your date. Trust me

Alright...I'll make the wade proof cage

21 year old Peter:Good.


Wade:*jumps in through a window*

My window!!


21 year old Peter:-_- *knocks Wade out* make the cage young me

Already on it older me

-Parker Romanoffs Signing off

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