Imagine for LMforLife

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Recently you and Luke had been fighting :( . Everything got turned into a fight. One night Luke came home late from the recording studio, let's just say you were quite mad because you had prepared a special meal because you wanted to try and patch things up. As soon as you heard the door closed you got up and walked down the stairs to find a very tired Luke taking his jacket off. "Where have you been?" You asked harshly. "I was at the recording studio if you must know" Luke replied bitterly. "You said you'd be home 4 and a half hours ago" you said coldly. "Well you can't always get what you want Samantha" he replied harshly as he walked up the stairs to your guys room. "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you Lucas" you shouted. "You know what Samantha I'm done with this fighting I just want it to stop" he yelled." Fine, then we are through" you said while walking to the closet and getting a bag and clothes out. "Where are you going" he yelled. "I'm going to Calum's for the night " you yelled back. "Fine see if I care" Luke screeched. You slammed the front door on your way out while grabbing your keys, you drove to Calum's, once you got there you explained everything to him and he let you stay there.

3 days later

You got a text from Luke telling you to meet him at the coffee shop down the street from Calum's house. You agreed hoping that you would get an apology from him. As you walked into the coffee shop you saw Luke sitting in the corner with to coffees. You walked over and sat down in the chair across from him. As soon as you sat down Luke said " I'm sorry about the way I've been acting the last couple of weeks it's just I've been really stressed out lately with the new album coming out and I guess I've just been taking it all out on you and I'm sorry for that" " it's ok Luke I know how stressed you have been lately" you replied warmly "so, will you please come home?" Luke asked hopefully "yes, I will come home" you replied. "I love you Samantha" Luke said lovingly." I love you too Luke" you replied warmly.

Luke Hemmings imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now