48 Hours

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After Derek had dropped me off last night Scott payed him a visit. Apparently he thought that Derek was the Alpha and had been the one that bit him. How on earth he thought of that I have no idea, he came there accusing Derek of killing the bus driver and killing Laura. Derek ended up telling him about the Alpha and now Scott wanted to help us find him, or so he says.

The sound of a gunshot in the distance shook me out of my thoughts. I looked over at Derek and the look on his face told me that he heard it too. We both took off running in the direction it came from, also hearing a loud growl coming from that direction as well.

Derek stopped running and looked around. I looked around as well, smelling an all too familiar smell. Blood. I looked down and seen a small puddle of it on the ground, I crouched down to get a better look at it. Derek doing the same.

I looked over at him, "do you think it's the Alphas?" I asked looking around.

"I don't know." He said, looking up at the surrounding buildings his eyes widening as he noticed something on the roof behind me.

I turned my head and sure enough the Alpha was there staring at us with his florescent red eyes, his black body blending in with the darkness of the night. He ran off and before we lost him, we got up and chased after him.

I was behind Derek when I heard yet another gunshot ring in the air. I seen Derek grab his arm in pain and fall off the roof we were currently on. "Shit" I said to myself as I ducked down, barely missing another bullet as it flew past my head.

I tried to gracefully jump down next to Derek but my clumsiness got the better of me and I ended up tripping over my own foot and fell down next to Derek. I coughed and turned my head to the side seeing Derek try to sit up and put weight on his arm but it gave out and he fell back down again. I groaned as I sat up and grabbed his arm carefully, rolling up the sleeve.

The bullet wound had blue smoke coming out of it and black veins were starting to show up on his forearm. But that wasn't the weirdest thing, what was weird was that it seemed that the more I looked at it I could actually feel the pain in my arm, it was a white hot searing pain that got worse whenever I moved. I checked to make sure I didn't get shot as well but there was nothing, no bullet wound, no anything.

"Damn it Derek. You always have to get yourself hurt." I said as I helped him stand up. He ignored my comment and swayed on his feet. "Woah woah." I said helping him stand up straight. "Let's get you out of here yeah?"

I struggled to walk through the halls of the high school, Derek's good arm was draped over my shoulder as I partially carried him as we walked. I kept my eyes and ears open for any sign of Scott as we lumbered on, I quickened my pace when I noticed Jackson at his locker, maybe he'll know where Scott is.

"Where's Scott McCall?" Derek asked once we got to Jackson.

"Why should I tell you?" He asked smugly. We've been here all of five seconds and I already want to punch this kid in the face. We didn't have time for this, Derek was getting paler by the second and the pain in my arm had intensified by tenfold.

"Because I asked politely. And I only do that once." Derek said. Jackson chuckled as he looked between us.

"Okay tough guy, now how about I help you find him, if you tell me what you're selling." He said. I furrowed my brows in confusion, selling? Selling what?

"What is it?" He asked leaning closer to us, me more so than Derek. "HGH?"

I raised a brow at him. "Steroids?" I asked in disbelief. He actually thought we were selling drugs.

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