Chapter Three

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Changbin began to walk without a word said. Once he noticed you weren’t beside him he turned around and reached his hand out. “Are we getting food or not?” You smiled brightly at him and grabbed his hand. He looked over at you, having to slightly look down since you were shorter than him. “So what are you in the mood for?” You looked back towards him shyly. “How about Kimchi?” Changbins hand gripped yours firmly, as if he was afraid to let go. “I think that sounds great!” He led the way to a nearby restaurant that sold really good Kimchi.
In between chews you both talked about yourselves and told many stories. Some of the stories were sad, but others were funny. Changbin had talked about all of the funniest moments from his closest friends, including the time he had to kiss Felix on the cheek. You couldn’t help but laugh at the thought. “So you share a dorm with how many guys?!” You couldn’t believe it when he told you. “Well there’s nine of us all together.” He began to chuckle at your surprised face. “That’s a lot of guys in such a small space! How do you put up with it?” Changbin sat for a moment as he thought. “Well most of the time we are at the studio practicing so we aren’t at the dorm very often.” You both took another bite of your food and chewed in silence before continuing the conversation. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick, I’ll be right back.” You stood and headed towards the bathrooms. As soon as you looked in the mirror you wanted to scream with surprise. Makeup was all over your face, dried tears on your cheeks, and mascara covering around your eyes making you look like a raccoon. “How wasn’t he running after seeing my face like this?!” You asked yourself. After wetting a piece of paper towel you wiped your face off and fixed your makeup. With a few deep breaths, you headed back to the table.

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