Chapter Five

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Once you reached their dorm they showed you around the place. There is three shared bedrooms, a kitchen and the living room where everyone gathered after showing you around. One of the members put on a movie and everyone gathered around the couch to enjoy it. "Anyone want popcorn?" Someone had asked, everyone raised their hands in a flash. With a slight laugh, he stood and walked to the kitchen to grab a few things to eat. Changbin scooted over and motioned for you to sit next to him with a smile on his face. Shyly, you accepted his invitation and sat beside him, surprisingly none of the members objected to sitting on the floor. Once he returned with snacks, he passed them all out, you became squished between Changbin and the member with braces as they placed a bowl of popcorn in your lap. You didn't object as the guys reached their hands into the bowl casually. You were so exhausted, but you fought off the exhaustion as you tried to stay awake during the movie.

You open your eyes to a dark room and a few guys sleeping on the floor around you. There was warmth all around you, as you look up you notice you are laying on someone's lap. Since it was dark you couldn't make out who it was so you sat up and walked to the bathroom quietly. Avoiding the group of bodies on the floor, you safely make it to the bathroom where you sleepily splash water on your face. Missing the warm atmosphere of the living room, you head back. As soon as you get there you notice one of the members guiding the rest of the sleepy squad to their beds. "Hey come on Felix, you have to get to bed." He whispered to a curled up ball of blankets on the floor. "I'll just sleep here Chan." He replied sleepily. Chan gave him a laugh and lifted him from the floor with ease before heading towards the room. The other members were already gone except for Changbin who was still sleeping with his head leaned against his hand. Chan walked back from the room, "You are welcome to stay if you want, you can sleep on the couch or just take Changbins's in that room." He pointed towards the door and threw the blankets from Felix onto the couch. "Good night." You said sleepily as he walked to his room. You checked your phone to see that it was already one in the morning, and there was no messages from your parents as you had anticipated. You laid your head back on to Changbins lap and closed your eyes wearily. With ease, you fell back to sleep.

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