Chapter 2

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"Are you seriously going to sign up to study abroad?" I glared at (b/f/n) from across the table. Of all times she had to mention that, now was not the time.

"No, I'm signing up for water aerobic belly dancing." Now it was her turn to glare at me. 

After a Tekken tournament that lasted until 3 in the morning, we finally woke up at 1 pm. Now we sat in a restaurant.

 I did keep my word and talk to the dork for about an hour. I learned he's 23, Korean (duh), likes to write songs, learned to speak English from a show, studied in New Zealand, has a dog, a sister, several friends (someone kept drawing smiley faces and caricatures), lives with said friends (not Jackson though), and some other things. We also figured out that talking late at night seemed to work for both of us.

"What are you going to order?" I tuned back into the conversation just as the waiter asked me the question. Taking another glance at the menu, I decided to order some waffles and pancakes with fries. The waiter looked me over and wrote down my order. 

Rude. I mean, what I order wasn't the healthiest thing but still.

We were all sitting in a booth with my parents and (b/f/n)'s. It was one of the those round circle booths that could sit like 8 people. As much as I loved (f/l/r) *fave local restaurant*, the people they hired here were rude. 

But then again, what do you expect from a bunch of high schoolers.

"Study abroad?" My mom's eyes were penetrating into my soul and I wanted to kill (b/f/n) for even mentioning it. I nodded my head meekly in response.

"In Korea right?" 

My eyes widened. I never really told anyone I wanted to study abroad in Korea. After I met the dork, my mind kept wandering to Korea. As much as I tried to not let my emotions get in the way, I ended up looking up Korea a lot. And I mean a lot.

"I don't mind. I can visit and go to concerts. Maybe you'll get into a fan meet. Oh my God, maybe I could meet an idol." Her face lit up with joy at the fact that she could visit one of her culturally favourite countries.

I watched on as my mom got more excited for me to be leaving the longer she thought about it. The complete opposite of how normal parents react.

"So you want me to leave?" My brain just could wrap around the idea that my mom would want me, her favourite child (albeit only), to leave.

She clapped her hands and laughed, "Yes, please!"

(B/f/n) snorted and I rolled my eyes in return. 

"Why don't you do it with her?"

It was my turn to snort as her eyes turned to saucers at her moms suggestion.

"You're kidding right?"

"No your mom isn't." Her dad gave her a pointed look and she turned to me in surprise.

In her parents defense, she wasn't the most adventurous person. If it wasn't for me the poor girl would be a home body. I remember throughout elementary school she always clung to her parents. Even when I started inviting her over she would walk around the house looking lost. She's gotten better. In fact sometimes she wants to be as far from her parents as possible. Which usually just means my house.

"It's official, you're all crazy." As (b/f/n) said that our food started arriving.

"And you're not?" I rose an eyebrow as I accepted my plate.

She broke into a grin. "No, I'm psychotic." I smiled in return.

2 hours later, I was sitting in my room finally alone. I was just laying around, not doing much of anything. I wanted to get some work done with my room but I couldn't concentrate. My thoughts kept wandering to what if I actually did study abroad in Korea. What if I met him?

My body crumpled to my bed, the though of meeting him was physically draining. I feel as if this whole situation has just been destiny in the works. I mean, I've always wanted to travel and here goes my soulmate living in Korea and has traveled before. Maybe, I'm overthinking this but, I really feel as if we might be meant to be. 

Yes we're soulmates, so of course we are, but feeling something is different.

It's not just the traveling aspect. It's the fact that he takes my words away. That every time I think I can describe how he makes me feel, I simply can't. This coming from a girl who loves to talk and who loves words. But he was different, when I speak to him, it's as if my mind just can't remember any words at all. One might say he leaves me euphoric, another might say love struck. What ever it is, I just know I like it.

I know I keep reiterating how I think we really are soulmates but it's different when you feel something. Yea, the universe can basically tell you who's good for you but it's just magical when you feel that for yourself. When you understand why you're soulmates.

Groaning out loud, I shook my head in annoyance. Here I am, at 6 pm, pondering in the dark about my nonexistent love life. Well, as dark as it can get during the summer at 6 pm that is.

I sat up in bed. "Let's take my mind off of this." 

I remembered from earlier that (b/f/n) said she heard one of my quotes from somewhere. Which one was it again?

As I searched for the notebook, I suddenly remembered which one.


"16, 16, 16." I scanned my shelf and picked it up. "Jackpot." Flipping to the page with my birthday, I sighed.

"What a painful day that was. Physically, I mean." My face darkened as memories flooded my mind. Writing down everything helped me remember certain emotions and be able to use them later on. Especially when I wanted to be a songwriter. Although now I've taken on a more realistic job. Creative writing.

"Don't want to be lonely, just want to be yours." 

My mind immediately started thinking about the dork again. My brows furrowed in confusion as to why he was the first person I thought about. This quote wasn't really about him so he shouldn't come to mind. Yet he is foremost in my mind at the moment. 

Perhaps looking it up can help better than I ever could. I trudged to my laptop and opened up Google. Just as my fingers grazed the keyboard, I heard a yell from downstairs.

"(Y/n)! We need to finish looking over some paperwork so come down." 

I typed in the quote. "Coming!" 

"Now!" I clicked the enter button.

"Now!" My mom screamed at me a second time. I groaned in annoyance.

"Fine!" Rushing out of my room, I left my laptop on. I didn't even get to see what results popped up.

It'll be there when I come back.

Unedited (kinda)

So I realize this chapter is short and I'm sorry.

I have it all planned out so that the next few chapters don't seem as rushed.

Anyway, don't forget to comment (I try to respond back) and vote!

Hope you're having a great day and if not, you can always talk to me.


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