Chapter 17

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"Look, I'm not saying the man is perfect, but that's basically what I'm saying."

I sat on a stool blabbering on for probably the millionth time about Namjoon. My mom was standing near a small table in a kitchen, making coffee.

The hookups Bee had were simply amazing. For one, we were practically in a penthouse. We were on the very top floor of the hotel and it had two huge bedrooms, a living room, a small kitchen, and small sitting areas. Heck, it was nicer than our own home. The details were immaculate and there were gold trims everywhere. It was decorated in gold finishings with accents of burgundy and white. Simply magnificent.

My mom walked over and leaned against the gray marble counter. "I still can't believe you waited out to tell me that Namjoon, from BTS, was your soulmate."

My sock-clad feet curled around the bar of the stool. "I know, I really should've just told you way before you heard it on the news. Especially since you like K-pop. I just wasn't thinking."

She reached over and put a comforting hand on my cheek, her hands were warm from the hot mug of french vanilla coffee in her hand. "But I'm glad you're so happy. Even though we have all that information on the internet about him. Nothing compared to how much he truly appreciates you. How much of a man he is and the smile on his face when he saw you for the first time. That's what a mom lives for. Her children's happiness."

I caressed her hand and leaned into it. A smile was on my face but soon I thought of someone else. Someone c!one by who was putting up a front. "I'm so happy mom. I know everyone else is happy for me, but I know Bee is hurting. She doesn't show it, but deep down I know she wishes she could find her soulmate again."

My mom looked at me with a thoughtful expression. "I do wish for both of my daughters' happiness. Had she ever told you anything?"

Shaking my head I pouted down at my cup of hot chocolate. "I don't even know the details of anything related to her soulmate."

"She will tell you eventually, maybe she just wants you to be happy right now." She took a sip of her coffee.

"I'm happy. I'd be ecstatic if she were happy as well." My mom smiled sadly at me and continued drinking her coffee.

I stared into her eyes and returned the same sad smile.

The moment was then interrupted when music started blasting from our Bluetooth speakers. Expensive Girl was booming through the room and I couldn't help but laugh as Bee and her mother walked over pretending to act sexy. Her mom was biting her lip and looking at me as she wildly ran her hands through her hair in an exaggerated manner. Her daughter was running her hands up and down her body constantly jutting her hips out awkwardly. I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous they looked, especially still in pajamas.

"I have no idea why you like this song (y/n)," my mom stirred her coffee while trying not to move her head to the beat.

I got up and wrapped an arm around Bee's mom. Basically mom #2. I twirled around her and then looked back at my mom. "It just brings out your inner ho."

"Y/n!" My mom exclaimed in astonishment.

Turning around and dancing, I pretended to ignore her glare as I mouthed the words along to the simple beat. The fact that he was 17 when he did this song does make it weird to listen to at times but there's worse out there.

I definitely will be asking about this song next time I see Namjoon.

Speaking of which? When would be the next time? We've texted back and forth and drew doodles on each other whenever we bored. I also got to FaceTime him while he was practicing. Of course we were interrupted by Jimin and Jungkook constantly. Although, I think our calls wouldn't be the same if it weren't for those two. Other than that though, we never really made plans for another date and I haven't heard back from Big Hit when they would be planning on having an official press conference.

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