Chapter 13: You Lose

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Someone was very, very excited about getting home. Jin begged Mr.Lee to buy him noodles before we got home, and of course, he got what he wanted.

RM and J-hope wanted pizza, and they got that as well. Basically, everyone got what they wanted so that they will keep their mouths shut about what happened a few hours ago.

We finished eating, not with silence because with these boys silence is never an option. Jin got mad at Jimin for stealing from his noodles. Tae and Jungkook where arguing about who pissed their pants when we were attacked, everything pointed at V, but he kept denying it. J-Hope was poking Suga in the ribs, asking if he could have what was left of food in his plate, but Suga ignored him over the earphones.

I'm eating in silence, trying to hide my laugh as Jimin throws a noodle at Jin, whose face turns tomato red from anger.

Dinner ended, and everyone went to their rooms. Before I could try to go up, I was stopped by Mr.Lee. Oh shot, he told me he was going to punish me for leaving  BTS' side earlier...

"Ae Ri..."

"I know, okay? I shouldn't have left the boys alone. Something way worse could have happened to them. I am so stupid. I am so-"

"You could have gotten hurt Ae Ri." I was taken aback by the comment. It wasn't BTS who he was worried about, it was me? 

"Oh...I know, but BTS-"

"You are barely an adult, you are just a child, and you are a girl. You can't keep doing reckless things such as today. At least not until you have enough training, which is not the case." He said with a stare as cold as the freezing white snow outside the window.

"I am sorry." I say not meeting his eyes, knowing that if I would, I probably would probably regret it.

"I will go now, I want you to think about your mistakes." With that, he went up to his room. I stayed in the darkness of the living room, with only my regrets and my thoughts to keep me company.

Just like always.

Before I go upstairs, I go to the fridge to get some water. The darkness of the room was attacked by the light of the fridge, and suddenly, before I could take the water bottle out, the door closed.

"Ri ah~ "

Kim Tae Hyung...why?

"You didn't forget our little deal did you?" He said half seductively, half excited. And I don't know why I have the urge to punch him in the face.

"Of course not, are you ready to be my slave for the next week?" I smirked

But he kept on smiling like a fool with his eyes closed.

"W-why are you smiling? I won, I saved you today-" With a smile still on his face, he held up his hand to my face.

"What are you doing?-" I said, my victorious smirk was gone, my eyebrows drew together.

"Look closer~" Even through the dark, I could see a small, very small scratch on his thumb.

I am speechless.

"W-what? This is not... how... no." No complete phrases gathered in my brain or in my mouth.

"I got it a few days ago, on dance practice. Guess you weren't attentive enough to notice. Still, I am hurt. You lose." Now he laughed out loud. A sound that might be pleasant to others, but to me...

"See you tomorrow, slave."

And just like that, I was left alone in the dark kitchen. With only anger as my sword, and embarrassment as my shield, against the giant monster of tears and suffering...

Kim Tae Hyung.


Hey guys!  

She lost, or did she? To V, there is no place for failure. He might as well had made that scratch on purpose XD

Updates will come sooner than expected, things will get spicier than the last chapter. 

Get your concert glow sticks ready because this ride is about to start...

Leave your comments here, if you have any ----->

As always: Thank you, have a nice day and keep reading ;)

Something Serious.

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