Understood - Chapter Six

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Edith took about an hour to prepare dinner. Why not take her sweet time, after all? It wasn't like he could leave.
The meat was still smoking, and sizzling, to Loki's surprise. It seemed that she couldn't fail to surprise him...which he found to be somewhat loathsome.
She quickly put in the code, as Loki approached the door. Thankfully, they had put a small table and two chairs in the room. Edith sat their plates on the table, along with two deep green silk napkins, and her silverware. 
"Right, here we go. No idea how or what you people eat on Asgard and frankly I don't give a shit, so I put yours together for you. If you make a mess, you're cleaning it,"
She plopped down in one of the seats. He stared at the dish, raising a brow. Is she trying to poison me...? Loki thought.
Of course, the necromancer noticed his quizzical expression.
"It's just steak fajitas, dumbass. Sit down," Edith said, rolling her eyes.
He hesitantly did so. "It looks messy," He complained.
But then once the scent hit him, he found himself ravenous. With falsified hesitation, he lifted his fork. He gazed up at Edith, who was already feasting.
He examined her for a moment, soon gaining the knowledge of how to eat such a dish. With one bite of it, the god's eyes widened. Was she truly such a brilliant cook, or was he just starved? He decided it was starvation, of course.
He then, unfortunately, caught sight of Edith grinning proudly at him.
"You like it?" She asked.
"No," He instantly replied.
"Then what's with the drool?"
Edith laughed as the god grabbed a napkin and wiped his chin.
"Ha-ha! You are, truly, a horrible liar,"
He never thought that he, the God of Mischief, could be fooled by such a being.
"Silence, quim," Loki hissed at the necromancer.
"'Silence, quim'," Edith mocked. She placed her fork down beside her, and stared up at him.
"Listen, dickhead, I could have never fed you in the first place, and this is called friendly teasing. I'm being nice, and the only thing I demand from you is this magical little thing called respect," Edith calmly said, though anger shone in her green-brown eyes. "You don't have to like me, but you will respect me. Mind you, I'm not afraid to show you how. Frankly, I'd be glad to after the New York bullshit you pulled," Edith paused for a brief moment. "Eat your food, before it gets cold." Her voice was now...feeling, somehow?
This woman, she intrigued him. He found himself strangely drawn to her, eager to know more. - But, he wasn't about to speak after her threat. He knew that he had to listen to her...It was either endure this, or be sent back to Asgard with Thor. If it wasn't obvious enough already, he much preferred this.

After dinner, Edith stacked up their plates. Before she left, she decided to check Loki's drawer, and you know, actually look this time. She took out a pair of skinny jeans, raising a brow.
"Yikes. Apparently Stark was the one to shop for you. Man does not have a fashion sense." She joked.
She shoved them back in the drawer, as Loki spoke, "I refuse to wear...that."
At this, Edith snorted.
"I don't blame you...But, you'll need something to sleep in. I mean, not the jeans, 'cause wearing something that tight would be hell; But they did give you a t-shirt and pajama pants, so that much you can wear. Unless you sleep nude. If that's the case, you're not allowed anywhere near my bedroom,"
Loki couldn't contain his grin this time, "What makes you think I would want to enter your cham-" The god began.
"Oooohhh- That's right, you're not allowed out of this little cage," Edith cut him off, grinning.
Did he look blatantly offended? Yes. Yes, he did. She approached him, and patted his head, much to his displeasure. This was only accomplished with him sitting down, of course.
"If it makes you feel any better, you're currently my most prized possession," Edith teased.
"I am not an animal,"
"You really seemed like one when you tried to destroy the planet," She spat, in turn.
Edith picked up their plates, and headed back downstairs.
Loki watched her go. He wondered how he could really learn more about this necromancer...without somehow managing to offend her.
Loki wanted to know her, yet, he couldn't pinpoint why. He quietly grumbled as he stood. Perhaps treating her as my equal will assist me...
She certainly couldn't be his equal, no...She had no title other than her lousy pseudonym. She was insignificant, compared to himself. Then again, everyone was. As Loki lied in his bed, he realized an apology would be due at breakfast.
"Damn." He thought aloud.

The following morning, Edith had risen early, as per usual...Unless she'd been working. Her mind constantly overflowed with ideas.
Since it was still dark outside, she decided not to awaken Loki with breakfast. Instead, she sat on her bed, playing her guitar in attempt to write a song. Eventually, she would give up, unsatisfied with every rhythm.
She left her guitar and notebook on her bed; It was a quick decision, deciding whether or not she should check on Loki. It wasn't as if she had anything better to do.
She'd already showered and tossed on her clothes; A close-fitting black long sleeved shirt with a skull upon it, a pair of  jeans matching in color, and  no shoes, considering she was indoors.
She marched upstairs, and peered beyond the glass. There was Loki, fast asleep in his bed...Or so she thought.  As soon as she turned away, his eyes shot open.
"Good Morning," He said.
She yelped in surprise.
"Jesus Christ-!"
The god chuckled, feeling proud that he had frightened her.
Edith turned around, narrowing her eyes at him. He stood up, his usual clothing materializing around his body.
"I thought you were asleep," said Edith.
"Well...surprise," replied Loki, grinning deviously.
She raised a brow, "Why do you even care?"
"I'm starved,"
Edith chuckled. Of course.
"Well, sorry, your highness, your meal will take time to prepare," She teasingly mocked.
Loki was simply confused. This, after all, was how he was and should be treated, excluding the mocking tone. Edith just snorted, and turned on her heel.
"Take a shower and get dressed. You should know how to turn a knob, so." And with that, she marched downstairs.
Loki did so, having nothing else to do. By the time he had dried off and clothed himself, he found that Edith was sitting at the small table, on her phone. He gazed at the two plates. Why does she insist upon eating with me...? He was irritated...yet, intrigued. She said herself that she didn't like him.
Her gaze drifted up to him. She looked him up and down.
"If that's just an illusion, and you're nude beneath that, you're not allowed to sit here," Edith said, giving him a stern look.
Loki just snickered, which unfortunately, made Edith far more suspicious. She tossed a spoon at him, just to test it.
He caught it before it struck him. "I'm clothed,"
"Good, then. You can sit," Edith shoved her phone into her pocket.
"Why did you think I was nude?" He asked.
"Listen, I don't care what you or your brother says, you're obviously a fuck-boy," replied the necromancer. 
"A what?" Loki's eyebrows knitted together in a display of confusion. Edith sighed.
"A fuck-boy. In other words, despite your little facade, I know damn well you're not a virgin,"
"A virgin?"
He knew what it meant, he just wanted to irritate her.
Edith grumbled. "Let me rephrase that: You are a fuck-boy. In other words, despite your facade, I know damn well you've had sex multiple times before. A virgin is someone who's never had sex."
With this explanation, Loki swallowed his blush. "...I can assure you that whatever a 'fuck-boy' may be, I am not one," Loki placed the spoon neatly beside his dish, and sat down.
Immediately wanting to change the subject, he spoke, "You have a cellphone? Pardon me if I seem behind. Frankly, I haven't been to Midgard since I was a child...Or, here, it had to have been a millennium or two ago,"
"Damn," Edith thought aloud with a huff.
Loki chuckled, "Yes, I am that old...Are you going to answer my question?" The god said as he lied his napkin neatly across his lap.
"Yes, it's a phone," Edith pulled out her phone again, and showed him. She clicked it on, displaying her lockscreen, of which was her and her bandmates.
"Who are those people?" questioned Loki.
Edith huffed, and pointed to each person, "That's me," She was sticking her tongue out in the photo. "That's my friend, Ruby." She pointed to Ruby, who was crossing her eyes, sticking her tongue out, and holding up her pinky and index finger to display rocker horns.
Loki raised a brow.
"And that moron in the back is Sid." She proceeded to point to a dark and spikey haired man.
"Their hair is...interesting," Loki commented.
Edith snickered, pulling her phone away. "Trust me, I know. Ruby wanted me to dye mine blue so we'd all be matching in our weirdness," She said, shaking her head with a smile.
"Why didn't you?" He implored.
"Doesn't fit my kind of aesthetic, I guess," Edith gave a half-hearted shrug.
Loki realized that he had learned at least something about this strange woman.
"Would you like to stay after breakfast?" He inquired as Edith raised a spoon full of scrambled eggs to her mouth.
She spoke after swallowing her food, "Sure. 'S long as I can go snag by guitar first."
He had expected a no, but this suited him nicely. He nodded, then began eating with her. For once in his life, the cold god felt...understood. It was an odd sensation. Something he hadn't expected.

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