Chapter 5

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Elizabeth's pov
Well, after the craziness of laughter at lunch, still I have my last lesson, art.
I walk to my class, this is going to be great, since none of the boys are in my class.
~Time skip to afterschool~
I walk outside the school, to my house.
"Elizabeth, wait!" A boy shout, I turned. It's Zach?

"Oh, hey Zach." I said,
"Umm, what time should I pick you up tonight? The party starts at five thirty." Zach said, I check my watch, is 2.50.

"How about at.... 5.25?" I ask,
"Sure, can't wait to see you Elizabeth." Zach said,
"Call me Ellie, Elizabeth's too long." I said
"Okay, Ellie." Zach said.

I nodded and he walked away. I smiled.
I look at my phone, my reflection on the phone told me I'm blushing. Oh god. I cover my cheeks and run to my house, half laughing.

I went on my bed.
"What do I wear???" I said to myself.
Then, there's a knock on the door, Elena.

I run downstairs and led Elena to my room. My room if you're wondering...

 My room if you're wondering

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Elena sit on my bed.
"Ok, let's pick a dress for you." She said
"Okay" I grab some dresses in my closet.
"Pick the casual but party-ish. I'll wait outside, go get dressed." Elena patted my back, I nodded.

Great, what should I wear. Hmmmm.
"Casual but Party-ish." I said to myself.
Oh, i find it.
I put my dress and all of the matching acsessories I can find with it.

I put my dress and all of the matching acsessories I can find with it

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Finally, this is what I'm wearing..^^^
I'm not wearing crazy bracelets, just a hairtie, since I let my hair loose.
I walk outside with my slingbag and my flats.

"Wow! Not so party-ish but you fit in perfectly!"Elena hugged me,
"Make up?" She asks,me
"Nah, I don't need it." I said.
We both walked downstairs.

Elena stroked my hair back,
"30 minutes till Zach picks you up."
"I know, I'm quite nervous about that."
I said.

"Duh, you're crushing on him." Elena said,
"No, I'm not." I slapped her arm,
"Third time this week! What is wrong with you?!" She slapped my arm back.
I rolled my eyes.

I sit on the couch with Elena, we decided to watch Stranger Things.
Then, the doorbell rings. Zach.
Elena just smirked at me.

I opened the door, Zach is there, I smiled.
"Hey." I said. Zach blinked hard,
"Ready?" He asked,
"Yeah." I answered.
"Goodluck." Elena hugged me.

"Yeah, see you at twelve I think." I said,
"Ok." Elena said.
I walk and take a seat in Zach's car. I've heard he's not much of a driver, great.

Zach's pov
Wow, god. Elizabeth is beautiful. Her dress is amazing. Her smile completes her stunning- oh god Zach snap out of it!

She sit next to me. I start to drive the car.
"Try not to kill me Zach." She said,
"Of course,not babe." I said, she turned to me. Oh god, did I said babe?

"What did you said?" She asked, half smiling. I think I just blushed. No, stop Zach, you just know her for a while.

"N-nothing."I said, she let out a giggle. Man, that smile. She looks out to the window. I can't bealive she tolerate me, after what I did to her with the boys, she still want to come to my party.

"Hey, I'm sorry for laughing and shoving you to Jack's locker last time." I said, she looked at me,
"It's fine, Zach. I'm used to it." She said, playing with her bag.

Used to it? She's been bullied before?
"What do you mean by used to it?" I ask,
"Oh, my parents move around the country, so I followed them around. So, I barely stay at a state for more than a year. I always move schools and get bullies and pick on. I was like that since my brother left me, I told myself to be strong. My brother left me when I was ten, so I decided to learn how to protect myself.So yeah, I'm used to it." She answered.

"That explains of your amazing back flip yesterday. It's cool." I said, she laughed.
"Thanks,Zach. And I didn't do it for show off ok, please, don't get me wrong." She said, I nodded my head.

Man, I called her a show off bitch, now I feel guilty. She must have been through alot.

After 17 minutes of driving, we arived at my place. Since I live with the others, it's quite big.
"It's big." I can hear Elizabeth mumbled. I smiled.

"C'mon, let's have fun." I pulled her inside, she laughed and walk with me.
"You're on your own, I got something to do." I told her, she nodded,
"Okay, I'll call you when things happens." She said, I nodded.
Then, I left her in the crowd.

Elizabeth's pov
Wow, this place is crowded. Ish, sweaty people on the dancefloor, drunk dudes on the kitchen, and some are just hanging out outside.

I decided to get something to eat. I grab a slice of pizza and chew it beside th table. I look around, the boys are spread out. I'm scared to bump to any of them, besides Zach of course.

Daniel is the DJ with Jack on his left. Cool beats to be honest, I can see Jonah with a girl, talking. Corbyn eating cookies beside Zach, who's just leaning on the wall.

I text Elena....
Me: Dude, this place is crowded
Elena💖: Just have fun.
Me: I can't, it's super filled with weird teenagers
Elena💖: Just do whatever u want,idc
Me:Mkay, whateves
I put my phone in my purse, I'm just gonna go outside.
"Oh, hey, Elizabeth." , I turned, Jonah.
"Hey." I said,
"Here, I got you a drink." He handed me a cup.
"Oh, no thanks, I don't drink." I said,
"No, this is just coke." He said, I take the cup.
"Mkay." I take a sip of it.

It tastes, weird.
"Are you sure this is coke?" I ask,
"Well, yeah." He drinks. I nodded and drink the whole cup.

Suddenly, I feel like I'm spinning in circles. I hold my head.
"I-I'm gonna-"
"-No, you should dance." Jonah pulled me,

"I-I don't think so, Marais." I pulled my hand. Then, everything was really blurry, there's like two of Jonah infront of me.

I feel dizzier and dizzier. I tried to walk but I can't. Then, I blacked out...

Did Jonah drugged her??
Keep reading to found out what's next...

Odd one out // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now