Power Outages

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I'm in my house right now suffering through a freaking power outage.

Here are some reasons why I hate power outages:

1<< The heat.

During power outages, my house immediately becomes the bottom of a frying pan in the middle of the Sahara desert.

My family doesn't own a single fan and we can't just go to a hotel or the mall cuz my gate is electric and also, dead like everything else, which brings me to my next point.

2<< The fact that almost everything in my house is electric.

This is like the WORST thing about power outages to me. Like, if there isn't electricity, we go effing mental in my house.

Everything diverts back to caveman times and we start doing all these stupid things to try and conserve cool and supplies. It's crazy.

3<< The sudden lack of food.

Anyone who know me know that I LOVE to eat. After dreaming and imagining things, eating is my next favorite hobby but when there's a power outage, BOOM, no food.

I can't seem to be able to enjoy my juice or chips or crackers or anything and I look like a zombie foraging for edibles.

Just gonna say

Power outages,




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