Old Friends Pt. 1

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My old friends?

I have about two now so. . . Let me just say, it's


What I mean is, the feeling you have after that old friend moves on really sucks; wether YOU'VE moved on or not.

So far in my life, I've had about two real best friends and they were both guys because being best friends with girls came with so much drama and


So. . .

The first was this guy (call him Drew) who I had had a crush on before we became friends and stayed with for about half a year.

I think (hope) he was clueless about how I felt because we were getting so close that people started to think that we were dating (I wish) and I was getting all these tips from other girls telling me that he was a player and not to date him.

Everyone knows you can't stop feeling just like that; especially when you know you've had them for like over a year and are finding everything about him attractive.

So I just kept my feelings silent which wasn't very easy because everyone was making it so obvious to him.

(I even found out that a guy had been stalking us at a park and taking pictures like he was some sort of spy. WTF)

. . .

In the end, I wound up telling him and having him reject me, resulting in a whole year of us ignoring and avoiding each other. . .

To cut a long story short, after he started dating another of my best friends, we became friends again and now live happily ever after.




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