Chapter 10: Rescue

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Noe Hera's POV:

I wiped the blood off of a knife I had just used to administer poison, syringes are more efficient, but are no where near as fun, not gruesome enough. At first the monster used its dragonoid form to prevent injury, but his body is so weak, his bones so brittle that it consumed more energy than it was worth. I felt a smile tug at my lips as I remembered the screams the creature released, truly music to my ears. The thing was still whimpering from where he was tied by his neck on his toes to stop the noose from constricting, if he falls he'll die.
"SHUT UP!" My whip cracked against its collar bone the distinct sound of a bone fracturing and mending its self filling the dungeon as I screamed at the abomination that was making annoying whimpers, screams are lovely, whimpers are annoying. Raising the whip made out of the thing's hair again, preparing to lash it, the ground trembled along with a resounding boom.

"Clara! Max! Aiden! Rinne!" I ran up the stairs forgetting the monster behind me in my panic. The first place I ran to was my daughters room, the building shaking and loud explosions echoing through the house. "Clara! Clara! Where are you?" I yelled at the top of my lungs, not caring if it might give away my location to an enemy, I needed to find my daughter. I could faintly hear her voice calling back, urging my feet forward. My body felt a numbing sensation spread throughout it, blood was rushing through my ears taking away my hearing until it all stopped and my speed increased drastically. looking down I noticed that there were white scales interspersed along my arms and presumably the rest of my body as well.

I felt power running through my veins, power that made up for my average magical talent. I'll become stronger and that will be done by drinking that monsters blood. I started laughing hysterically, until I saw my daughter coming from the other end of the hallway, she was also in her dragon form, we'll all be stronger and we'll become royalty! Naturally us as dragon kin deserve the throne more than that pathetic royal family does and that creatures proper place the palace's dungeon so it can strengthen us further. Even if Max and Aiden don't understand now they will in the future, we are doing it for their sakes they should be grateful to us!

"Clara, my baby! Your safe! I was so worried I thought you were hurt!" I enveloped my daughter in a bone crushing hug crying into her hair as I recalled the bitter and tragic memories.

"Mother! What's happening? Will the runes hold up?" Clara asked in a worried tone as she pulled away from my hug.

"of course, I made the protective runes myself, even the king himself wouldn't be able to invade our manor!" as my words fell I could feel the distinctive crash of the runes signally that the manors protective runes have fallen.

I paled at my new realisation.

who attacked?

How could they destroy the runes the great me put up?

How dare they defy me!

Me! The queen!

"Mother What's wrong?" my beloved daughter voice snapped me out of my thoughts, she looked worried and confused.
"Mother what's wrong? You just went pale!"
"The, the runes fell... Why... How... Your brothers! We need to find you brothers!" Saying such, I ran down the corridor in an attempt to find them.

My daughter grabbed my arm and called out pointing at the window.
"Mother! Their outside!"I snapped my head following her indication, my husband was outside, facing the court mage Lishe in a battle stance, sword drawn in dragonic form. They were clearly trying to solve the problem with words rather than actions, but were prepared to do so if they deemed it necessary. Max and Aiden were standing on the sidelined showing no indication of helping, are they still holding a grudge because we hurt that animal? Oh well, they'll get over it in time. Upon opening the window I signaled Clara to do the same, she looked confused until it stood on the window sill and flexed my wings. Clara hurried to do the same with another window, looking both anxious and excited. After counting to three in my head I jumped, spreading my wings wide. The people below noticing Clara and my decent, waited for our arrival. Rinne had an expression of worship and love, clearly enthralled by my beauty. My sons were looking away, they'll come around eventually. Even court mage Lishe was in reverence of my ethereal beauty, my shiny white scales creating a beautiful contrast with my glossy silk black hair.

I started to panic when I noticed that my decent was more reminiscent of a fall. I furiously beat my wings, but they couldn't support my weight. That dam monster he set me up! I fell (gracefully) on my royal behind, quickly standing up, dusting my self off while pretending nothing happened. I looked backwards and saw Clara land without mishap, it must have been that thing, there's no way is no way I'd fail other wise.

"Well then, since everyone's here. Where is the dragon child?" I sneered at the ugly woman which foolishly thought she could make demands here. She even placed her hand on her hip, she clearly thinks she's more beautiful than me, she'll see! Without warning I fired a lightning spell at her hoping to catch her off guard. The woman transformed into a yellow dragonoid before the lightning connected, the lighting snaked around her caressing her skin in a fond fashion. Dam magic, how dare it like her more! I threw more spells at her all of which she deflected, negated or absorbed.

I stamped my feet in annoyance, "Its not fair! Why are you stronger than me! I'm to be the next queen!" I puffed up my chest in pride as I proclaimed my soon to be title.
"You intend to over throw the royal family?" Lishe narrowed her eyes dangerously.
"Its not overthrowing its simply the rightful owners taking their crowns!"
"And what right do you and your family have to the throne?"
"We're powerful! We're a noble existence! We're dragon kin"
"Your not dragons you cheap imitations which got your blood through despicable means, I have more of a right by your logic, hell even the crown prince does!"
"Of course we're not dragons! How could we be such disgusting creatures!" I yelled. Confusion was apparent on Clara's face, approval and agreement on Rinne's and disgust (towards me) on my sons faces.
"Well I think that I know you motives now. Your torturing a dragon hatchling in order to get power, yes we know, that child is an ingenious one he planned for his escape five years ago."
Lishe summoned up a lightning storm, it swiftly ran it's way towards us. My husband sheltered us and put up a barrier which shattered upon impact, sending the two of us flying backwards.

Montgomery Lishe's POV:
Once the despicable couple were in custody I declared, "By dragon law as the winner of combat I have the right to demand something of you. Noe Rinne I demand the hatching and Noe Hera I demand the half breads in your care!" The two screamed about rights and laws, all of which were tended invalid by the simple fact of them being dragons, even if only partially. The boys brothers were more than happy to lead us to the hatchlings location. The crown prince was lagging slightly behind them, swiftly walking, but due to their enhancements only I was able to keep up, the rest of the group being left behind.

(A/N so what did you guys think of Hera's character? Please tell me! Feedback is always welcome!)

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