Chapter 14: Magic crystals (Unedited)

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(A/N: hey guys I just thought I should mention that this is NOT going to be a harem.)

After our first day was over we returned to the palace. Hinata was complaining saying that I shouldn't have abandoned him. I brushed it off promising that I wouldn't do so tomorrow, which was a lie because my first encounter scene is in three days and I'd prefer to act as close as possible to the original so the heroines don't notice that I'm a transmigrator. On our way back to our chambers, yes our I've long since given up on calling it mine since he basically lives there now.

We were walking down the corridor making small talk when a we saw Rhett by a pond playing with his magical trinkets. Upon a whim I decided to go and say hello. Once Hinata noticed that I wasn't following he frantically looked around backtracking a few corners until he found me squaring next to Rhett as he explained what his new toys did.

His new magical trinkets were an array of jewelry with gems in them. He has six necklaces, they all had coloured roped holding the gems in place. Rhett picked up the first one which was smoky green in colour with purple string around it.
"This one is used to channel earth magic, if you bury these stones in the ground the earth will become richer and grow crops quicker, it is commonly found and is used all over the  country by farmers as one lasts five years for a ten meters radius." Hinata's younger brother spoke he'd always been interested in magical trinkets and hoped to make them himself one day.  The second was a solid white stone that resembled salt, but didn't crumble easily, it was held by a green cord which wrapped around the stone like a net.
"This stone is found in rivers, your supposed to place it in a drink before drinking it, it turns green if the drink is poisoned." He ranted.
"Did you discover this?" Rhett beamed at my question proudly telling of how he discovered this.
"You should tell your father, he'll reward your grandly."
"Of course stones are far more effective that making water mages use magic frequently as a few could work together and lie saying there's nothing in the drink." Rhett nodded his head frantically saying he'll go soon. Rhett quickly explained the uses of the other stones until the last one came up. This stone was completely clear, resembling glass. The Stone was held by a purple cord wrapped in a way that it appeared to be an acorn.
"This one reacts to active magic, see?" Rhett pulled a opaque blue bottle with silver runes on the bottom out of the black duffle bag sitting beside him. Once the bottle got within three meters of the stone it started glowing red.
"The stone glows the colour of the magic being used, so red is fire, yellow is wind, green is earth, blue is water, white is light, black is dark and grey is non elemental magic." I was looking at the glass bottle rather than the stone at this point in time.

" I was looking at the glass bottle rather than the stone at this point in time

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"I'm working on expanding the radius of reaction. If you submerge it in resin made out of Willow sap, melted wraith ice crystals, red guringer berries and a smelted seferen thorn it increases the area to ten meters. If its submerged in a liquid instead of a resin the stone will glow, but it won't show what color the magic is."
"Why is there a person in there?" I asked pointing at the glass bottle.
"What do you mean a person can't fit in there? I have no idea how it works, I originally had three, but when ever I opened one to see how it works it stopped working all together."
Inside the glass bottle was a girl on her back with her knees brought up to her chest because there  wasn't enough room, the girl was approximately 30 centimeters tall. She was wearing a white shirt and black shorts, her hair was in two long pig tails which floated to the top of the bottle creating flames. The girls hands were over her mouth, as she was submerged in water, occasionally bubbles would float out of the magic runes and she would quickly tack a breath of air before it disappeared and she was forced to hold her breath again.

"There's a girl in there

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"There's a girl in there." I stated plainly opening the bottle so she could escape. Rhett was yelling at me for opening the bottle, but I wasn't paying attention. The girl was resting on my shoulder taking several deep breaths.
"Thank you young dragon. My name is Lillen Hæstad. I am a blue fire spirit, what are you." The girl spoke in curiosity.
"I'm Adonist I'm not sure what sort if dragon I am, when I transform I'm both white and black like marble."
Lillen nodded her head in understanding as she spoke again.
"Young hatchling I wish to repay you for setting me free. Would you like to form a contract?"
"What does a contract entail?"
"I will help you by controlling flames, to warm your self, to fight or to defend. I will protect your back for you as you would protect mine. I require small amounts if magic daily as food, the amount small enough that it won't effect you much."
"Okay I'll form the contract."

"Hey Adonist what's wrong!" Hinata was shaking my shoulders, I snapped out of my trance noticing that the while conversation was inside my head, however it was different from how it happens with other dragons, I couldn't tell what was happening in the outside world at all.
"I'm okay, I was speaking to a fire spirit." Hinata gave a sigh of relief. I only just registered Hinata's presence so I asked.
"When did you get here Hinata?"
"Just now, why did you leave without me I was really worried when I looked behind me and you weren't there."
"Sorry, I wasn't really thinking."

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