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Head hurts.....can't think....


Nino has never experienced a mix of so many negative emotions at once. He felt loss on what to do, he was really hoping that this time would be different that this would finally be his ticket to a normal life.

He was a fool to think Adrien was sincere about setting him free.

Nino didn't have much time left, once Adrien made his third wish he'd be pushed back into the ring trapped once again until someone else finds him and uses their three given wishes.

The cycle will continue for all eternity....this was his life...his curse.

He will never know what it will be like to be his own master....


He turned around and saw Alya running towards him. She was wearing a beautiful satin dress, her hair was up in a ponytail and she wore jewelery. She looked like a princess herself.

When she reached him she gave him a soft kiss on his cheek and smiled at him. "I've been looking for you. Is that what you're wearing to the celebration?"

"Celebration? What celebration?" Nino asked.

"The King's going to announce Ladybug and Chat Noir's engagement later this evening." She said with a proud grin. "Come on let's go get you some clothes and head over there, we can't be late!" When Nino didn't move Alya noticed the saddened expression on his face and she stopped trying to pull him along. "Nino, what's wrong?"

"Alya....I have something to tell you.... something important..." He said looking at the ground.

"What is it?"

When Nino opened his mouth a burning feeling started to emit from the bonds around his wrist causing him to wince.

"Nino what's wrong?" Alya asked seeing the pained look on his face.

Nino groaned once the burning sensation had finally subsided. He couldn't reveal his identity without the permission of his master. Just his luck...

"I'm fine...." Nino said then looked into Alya's hazel eyes. " you think we could skip the ceremony?"

Alya's eyebrow raised at the question. "Why would we do that?"

"Alya....I can't tell you the entire truth. If I could I would tell you everything, but I am bound to keep it a secret until told otherwise..." Nino sighed. "I'm won't be here for very long, I don't know when I'll have to leave, but when I do I won't have time to say goodbye."

Alya could feel her heart breaking from his words. What was he even talking about? Was the Prince sending him off somewhere?

"I want to spend as much time with you as I possibly can before that happens. Can you do that for me?"

Alya thought for a second wondering the pros and cons of missing the ceremony. She already knew what the announcement was, but she still wanted to be there for Marinette.

Still.....if what Nino was saying was true and she would no longer see him she wanted to hang on to what little time they had together. Marinette would understand right?

"Okay." She said grabbing on to his hand. "There is this one place in town I've always wanted to go to."

Nino smiled squeezing her hand in return and followed her out of the palace.


Chat was sound asleep his his room while the castle was in a hustle to get everything set. He dozed off not to long after the servants came and helped him get ready for the ceremony and he needed a little time to clear his head.

A purple butterfly entered the room through the opened window and fluttered over to the sleeping Prince and landed near his hand that held his ring.

In a puff of smoke the butterfly transformed into his original form. Nooroo frowned as he watched the boy who was fast asleep. He then looked over at the ring on his finger which was his main objective.

Using his tiny hands he carefully grabbed both edges of the ring and slowly began sliding it off of the boy's finger. He halted every time it seemed that Adrien was about to open his eyes, but the boy still remained asleep.

Once the ring was fully removed the purple kwami carried it with him over to the window. He gave one last look to the boy.

"I'm sorry....." Then he flew back to his master.


"Where is he?" Ladybug asked herself when she peeked through the curtains as her father was coming close to making Chat Noir's introduction.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon Marinette. Just relax." Tikki tried to assure the princess.

"You might want to prepare yourself for disappointment, just in case." Plagg muttered which caused Tikki to glare at him.

Ladybug checked over by the stairs to see if he was on his way up and beamed when she saw him making his way up.

"Chat! Where have you been? It's almost time!" She said rushing down to greet him.

She didn't notice the sad expression on his face nor did she listen when he was trying to get her attention.

"Ladybug there's....there's something I need to tell you." He tried.

"It'll have to wait, my father's about to present you to the entire kingdom!"

"Marinette it's important-!"

"Shhh! You're not supposed to go around saying my real name remember? We can talk right after the ceremony okay? I promise."

Ladybug fixed up his appearance while Chat desperately tried to talk to her. "Princess please I just need you to listen for just a-"

"It is my deepest honor to present my daughters chosen suitor and your future King!" Marinette's father had announced. "I give you Prince Chat Noir!"

On cue Ladybug pushed Chat Noir through the curtains revealing him to the entire kingdom and the crowd went wild. He was frozen in his spot until the King had gestured for him to step forward and address his subjects.

He tried to maintain his charming smile as he lifted a hand to wave at the crowd. "Oh boy...."


*Falls asleep after taking NyQuil*

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