The News Breaks Out ~ Part 9

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Zuko POV

Five weeks had gone by. Each day was mostly the same. I had firelord stuff to do every now and then. But most of my time I spent with Katara. We had been planning our engagement party. There has still been no word from Aang and no one knows where he is. Apart from that everyone was happy. Suki was showing now, her and Sokka were going baby crazy. Katara on the other hand had been worrying each day about our little mistake. Seeing Suki each day pregnant had Katara freaking out. It was early in the morning and she hadn't woken up yet. I was just sitting there watching her sleep so peacefully.

She started waking up, groaning and stretching. She turned to face me and smiled. "Morning beautiful." "Hey." She sat up and I kissed her. Then she sighed. I gave her a confused look. Then I remembered what today was. "You're still gonna do it?" She wouldn't look at me but she nodded. "I'm sorry but I have to! I can't shake the feeling you know?" I leaned over and kissed her. "I know, I guess it's just freaking me out a bit." She went to get out of bed but I stopped her and pulled her back down. I started kissing her, and she giggled.

"As much as I would like to stay and get showered in kisses and happiness. I have to go do it. I need to put my mind at ease." This time I let her get up, and I followed her. She walked into the bathroom and opened a drawer pulling out a box. I hugged her from behind as she stood there staring at the box. "I kinda need you to leave if I'm gonna do this." I sighed and kissed the back of her neck before I left the bathroom. I shut the door behind me as I walked out. I stood outside impatiently, then a minute later she walked out with the little plastic stick in her hand. She walked over to the bed and sat down frantically.

Katara POV

I'm freaking out so bad. Everything could change in 3 minutes... I've not long moved in with Zuko and unpacked all my stuff. And it could all fall to pieces. This is the longest 3 minutes of my life. I think Zuko was starting to freak out as well. I had set a timer so I knew when it had been 3 minutes. Then... the timer went off. I instantly looked at Zuko, and he gave me a reassuring nod. Then I did it. I looked... I swear my heart stopped. I wanted to throw up and pass out all at the same time. Two lines... Well shit. "Well?" Zuko broke the silence, snapping me back to reality. "Ah... we're pregnant." He was just as shocked as me. I don't know how to feel about this.

I feel like crying, but I also feel a bit of joy. My emotions are all over the place right now. I didn't know what else to do so I just stood up. My vision went weird, but I could hear Zuko stand up behind me. He embraced me from behind. Pulling me into his arms. He just held me tight. I took a deep breath in then slowly exhaled. Zuko kissed the back of my neck, and gently brushed his hand across my stomach. "We're gonna be a family." I don't know what it was, if it was him comforting me, or him saying that, or if it had just finally sunk in... I was happy. I could feel tears streaming down my cheeks, but I wasn't sad. I think they were tears of joy.

My legs gave way underneath me, and I slipped out of Zuko's embrace and dropped to the ground. Tears still streaming down my face I began quietly laughing. Maybe I was just having a psychotic meltdown. Zuko knelt down in front of me and placed his hand on my cheek, making me look at him. "Are you ok?" I just smiled. "Yeah, I think I am." This made him smile and kiss me. "We're having a baby!" Now we were both full out grinning. Then I could feel the joy and excitement leave my face. Which instantly made the same thing happen to Zuko. "What's wrong?" He asked concerned. "My father is going to kill us... He is going to be so disappointed in me."

"Don't be silly. He's going to be over the moon. He's going to get two grandchildren in the space of a few months." I nodded in agreement then my excitement started to come back. "What do you say we go have a chat to the doc, and get a proper test done, and get lectured about everything we need to know?" I nodded. He jumped to his feet then helped me up. He gave me a hug and kiss then we walked out the door.

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