Part 1

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" Tersa why are you throughing Rocks " I asked after a few screams of gladers getting hit by the rocks
" because of the guy with the weird eyebrow things" she whisper shouted at me while continuing to through rocks
" weird eyebrow things...?" I said as I peeked over the edge then I realised who she was on about so without thinking I said
" you mean the 6 foot 3 guy with the eyebrows of satan."
And it all so suddenly it whent quite for a few seconds before a loud un-earthy sound came from Satan eyebrows
I jumped down off of the watch tower and walked up to his face and looked him in the eyes and in that moment I knew all eyes were on me and what just to say,
" I said to Tessa ( Brooks 😑😐😂) 'you mean the 6 foot 3 guy with the eyebrows of satan ' ya wee little fat shank " with a smug smile I turned around and started to walk back to the watch tower where Teresa was still throughing rocks, I looked over my shoulder to see the blond boy with his jaw dropped and Teresa's friend looking at him then I saw satan eyebrows walking at a fast pace towards me so I start to run thinking he will stop but he doesn't he keeps on going And then starts to shout
"  why are you running,  why are you running?"

I just ignored him and kept on running towards the gardens,  the wind brushes my hair behind me and I take a glance back, I notice that more of the gladers had goined in and had left Teresa alone so she came down and was now laughing her klunk-dispencer off on the ground and to make it even worse I end up running in to the big boi. Alby. I had heared about him when I was in a coma with Teresa, he was everything they said, a grumpy shank who never smiles and me being me started screaming and running the other way
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjfngufnyjdjgjgjdjtgjifejtjfvnfmdkf ahhhhhhhhh"

 I had heared about him when I was in a coma with Teresa, he was everything they said, a grumpy shank who never smiles and me being me started screaming and running the other way"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjfngufnyjdjgjgjdjtgjifejtjfvnfmdkf ahhhhhhhhh"

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I ran towards the slaughter house thinking Alby wouldn't chase after me as well but I was wrong when I looked behind me, he was telling other gladers to chase me but before they could see where I went I ran into the slicers and notice.......... A dog .

I looked around and saw a lead I took that and then took the dog, as I got outside everyone saw me so I ran towards the homestead passing Teresa,  Thomas and the cute blond boy , who's name is newt ,  Thomas said it or it could of been something e...

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I looked around and saw a lead I took that and then took the dog, as I got outside everyone saw me so I ran towards the homestead passing Teresa,  Thomas and the cute blond boy , who's name is newt ,  Thomas said it or it could of been something else but I'm sure it was newt   . I run into the homestead and into one of the rooms while listening to the peaceful on going racet outside . I notice hair products and a lovely vanity on a desk so I take all of them and just when I thought I have enough time for a short break......

To be continued in part 2 of Maze runner 6: with you....... on CRACK!

Maze runner 6 : with you .... ON CRACK  (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now