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As I realize what area of the castle I'm in, I clearly remember what happened here before, and after The shadows' arrival. I walk across the wooden floor towards the cold cobblestone to sit on an old Victorian sprout fountain to relax a bit because I know in here, I'm safe, for a little while at least

Months ago, my team led an expedition into the Arabian deserts to search for earthed statues, treasures, and artifacts. We stumbled upon a 14th century temple unearthed in the sand, but once we felt and looked at the center pillars for the temple, it wasn't anything we've seen before. It was odd indeed, the architecture was almost alien, made so intricetly no man could ever make this,  it didn't make sense. We found an opening peeking out of the ground and started digging.

Long story short we unearthed it more so we could fit inside the doorway, once we were halfway down into the temples' stairs, the air started to get frigid and lukewarm. The stairway option down felt like eternity going down,  like the tower was there before any of this sand ever appeared here in Arabia. After a long march down the stairways, we finally made onto a flat surface greenish tile.

The area we made it to was spanning 100 feet wide, and 30 feet up in diameter, the temple center was amazing for its time, which ever time that could be. The two sides show a long row of marble statues of disfigured beings, In the center was a small doorway spamming 5 feet length up and 5 feet width wide, too small for an average man to fit through, but I was very flexible and could fit inside small areas.

As I went inside I saw nothing but darkness and depth, like in front of me was a void but couldn't move forward, and as I about said it's empty the stone door slammed shut on me! Leaving me inside trapped to my demise. I fell to the floor gasping for air and fending for my life. As a few minutes pass by my eyes flutter to a taint glow of a blue fluorescent light in the darkness. Being intrigued and curious I gather the strength to inch for ward to the light. My body was trying to stop but I wouldn't let it. I got close enough to see what it was and as I did I noticed it was a blue spherical orb of some kind, twice as big as my head.

As I palmed it, the light got bright enough to blind me and I blacked out. In my coma like state I heard the faint sound of Arabian words being yelled and the clinking of metal against stone. The stone lifted with a screech and my eyes opened to me being saved. In my palm I hold the remains of the once spherical orb, chunks sit in my hand, it was solid all the way through, them changing colors in my hand, so as I walk out of the temple I wrap it in cloth and put it in my travel bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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