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Becky's P.O.V

"Becky!" Someone yelled in my ear, causing my eyes to open as I frowned. "What?" I spat, annoyed about the fact that someone woke me up from my nap.

"We're here. Come on," he said as he got out of the car, leaving me alone. It took me a few seconds to realise where I am. I groaned as I took my earbuds off before getting out of the car.

We walked towards the entrance in silence before one of us spoke.

"Ready for the first day of the best place you've ever been to?" Michael asked me. I rolled my eyes. "I'll take that as a no then."

He opened the door for me and I mumbled a thank you as I stepped inside. It wasn't like my old school but, it's still school so I probably won't like it here.

Michael was next to me as he lead me to the office to get my schedule and to know where my locker is. I got stares from a few girls and there were a few guys creepily checking me out. I looked at them in disgust before rolling my eyes. "Typical hormonal boys. Just ignore them." Michael said to me.

"But you did the same when we first met." I joked, chuckling. "Oh." He chuckled while rubbing his neck nervously.

We walked over to the front office and went to the desk. "Yes Michael how can I help you?" The lady at the desk asked. I guess someone got sent to the office quite frequently huh?

"Becky here needs her schedule and locker. She's the new student." Michael told her.

"I'm not quite sure if there's a new student called Becky." She said, confused.

"Yes there is! She just-" Michael stopped himself because she still looks so confused. Michael rolled his eyes, sighing. "Rebecca. Her name is Rebecca."

"Oh Rebecca! Hello, it's nice to finally meet you." She smiled at me and I smiled back. "Can she talk?" She asked Michael. I frowned slightly at her question.

"No, she can't. Her mouth is only for sucki-" "Yes I can talk." I cut Michael off before he could finish his sentence. "So yeah I need my schedule and locker, Ms..." I dragged, signalling her to introduce herself.

"Oh you can just call me Susan." She said to me and I nodded. "I see you have an American accent, how nice. I'll be right back," she said, turning around and walking away.

"I don't like her." Michael said to me all of a sudden.

"Why? She seems nice." I chuckled at him.

"No, she's fucking annoying." He said as he made a disgusted face.

"You find everyone annoying, Michael." I said and he shrugged.

"True. But you're not annoying. Well you are but you're cool." He said. I touched my heart.

"That is the most nicest thing you have ever said to me so far." I said as I faked sobbed.

You're probably wondering how I met Michael.

I moved here to Sydney a month ago from New York City because my mum got a job here. It was also because of the fact that my parents divorced. He didn't abuse my mum or me or anything, it's just that he acted like he didn't care about us and didn't raise us right. My family wasn't so wealthy so my mum had to do all the work. My mum kind of went through depression and it wasn't the best time for me and her. I had to work at a DVD store for money so I can help her pay the bills, which was something that my dad should be doing and not me but what choice did I have?

They both fight every single night about this whole money thing and how my dad doesn't show love and respect to us both. After many talks with me and her best friend Laura who was a school counselor, mum finally divorced him. I didn't really care though, I like it a lot better when they were separated. Though sometimes I wish that my family and I were happy and easy going like any other ordinary family.

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