Chapter 2

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*at school*

Elena walks over to the vending machine,then rushes to bathroom vomiting. Caroline comes into the bathroom whiles she's on the phone and sees Elena vomiting. "Oh my gosh Elena are you okay," she says worriedly. "Yeah I'm fine," she says while getting up." You don't look okay ,"Caroline says as Elena starts vomiting again.

"What's the problem? You've never been sick like this before," Caroline says to Elena while pulling her hair back." "Its probably something I ate," Elena says. "You sure?" Caroline says being very concerned for her best friend. "I'm sure"

*The bell rings*
"Are you going to class,"Caroline says while getting Elena up. "I think I'm just going to skip so tell Alaric that you haven't seen me ."She says okay and left for the first class of the day.

*lunch time*

Caroline says worriedly,"Elena you've been eating some weird food combinations lately. Like seriously who has ever heard of pickles and peanut butter." "Yeah and you've put on weight," Bonnie adds on. Elena looks at herself and says,"really maybe its because my period is coming soon....." She pauses and then the look at her."Holy shit my period was suppose to come a week ago. Caroline and Bonnie look at each other and then Stefan interrupts"hey guys do y'all mind if I borrow Caroline ,"Bonnie says no and they leave.

A few seconds later the bell rings and Elena tells Bonnie she's coming over later.

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