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He jumped around excitedly like a little kid.

"We are gonna have a baby together. I'm so excited." He grinned as he hugged you. "How far along are you?"

"It says ten to twelve weeks so two and a half months... three months." You hugged him back tightly and smiled widely. He picked you up again and cheered.

"I can't believe it!" He chuckled as he placed his hands on your belly. "Do you want a little boy or little girl?"

"I'm not sure. Either would be amazing."

"I wouldn't mind a boy. I am the only guy round here but either way it doesn't matter." He smiled widely.

"Got any ideas for names?" You smile to him.

"I've always liked Aiden or Gabe or Leo. That's for boys anyway." He shrugged.

"They're all lovely names. I'm not sure which is my favourite." You sigh. "We can always think about it closer to the time. What about girls' names?"

"Um... I really like Layla but I don't have any other ideas."

"I like Brooke or Riley." You suggest. He nods.

"Ah I really like all of those. I don't know which to pick." He whined.

"Well... why don't we research what the meanings of the names are and choose from there?"

"See... that's why you're so amazing. You're smart and you think outside the box." He grins as he pulls his phone from his pocket. "Right... let's search Aiden first."

You watch him as he types it into his phone and searches.

"Aiden comes from Irish backgrounds and means the fiery one. Okay what about Gabe? That's quite religious isn't it?"

"Let's have a look." He searched again. "Gabe means God is my strength. See I really like this name but you're not religious, are you?"

"Not overly but if that's you're favourite I don't mind."

"Well let's see what Leo means, yeah?" He suggests and you nod in response. "It means strength... like a lion."

"Honestly, overall I prefer Gabe." You smile. He nods.

"Yeah, so do I." He mumbles. "Right. Girls names." He starts searching on his phone. "Okay, Layla means night in Arabic. I'll try Brooke next." He starts typing and you watch the screen.

"With Irish origin, it means purity." You read out. "So its he same origin as Aiden but we went for Gabe. What about Riley?"

"Riley means valiant. So basically determined and full of courage." He explains.

"See I like Layla even though it has a simple meaning."

"So Layla or Gabe?" He smiles. "We're gonna have a little Layla Hardy or Gabe Hardy?" He grins.

"What makes you think they're having your last names?" You tease.

"Ah well. Remember when you were gonna tell me that I also wanted to talk to you?" He smiles softly.

"Yeah?" You frown slightly. He pulls a box from his pocket and gets down onto one knee.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N). Since I met you, every day has been even better than the last. You bring me happiness everyday in so many ways. I remember the day I first met you, you lit up the room and bought a smile to my face and I never smiled back then. Then I realised how beautiful you were and how I felt the need to talk to you. There's so many things about you that I love. The way you bite your lip when you're concentrating, the way you fiddle with your necklace when you're bored. All of these things make me smile every day. And now I can enjoy my job and enjoy home life because you're always there in both of them. There's that little girl that you introduced me to all that time ago and she cheers me up all the time too. You even gave me the opportunity to be a proper father to Daisy. And now we are gonna be even happier because we are having a baby together - we are gonna be a family. I'm going to be able to experience becoming a dad again. And none of this would be possible without you. So (Y/N/N)... will you marry me?"

You smile widely and nod.

"Of course I will, Alec!" You leap forwards and hug him. "I'd love to marry you. I love you so much."

"I love you, too. We're going to be so happy." He sits back from you and put the ring on your finger. "What do you think of the ring?"

"It's beautiful. I love it. It's perfect, you're perfect." You grin as you kiss him happily.

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Alec Hardy: A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now