we'll get him falling for a stranger

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in all honesty, richie almost decided to ditch eddie and make up some excuse to why he hadn't ended up meeting eddie tomorrow, but in the end decided it was too rude. so as much as he didn't/did want to, after school, richie walked to the flag pole and waited for eddie to meet with him. as he waited he thought about how beverly had simply laughed at him when richie told her about his problem. after he had lightly hit her arm to get her to stop she simply told him to use protection and walked away, ignoring richie who was still calling her name because he had no idea what the hell he was going to do. 

richie sighed and shifted his backpack on his shoulder. he reached into his pocket and brought out a pack of cigarettes, pulling one out and putting the rest away. he got out his lighter and carefully lit it, putting it to his lips as he put away the lighter. 

"you know those can kill you?" said a light soft voice, startling richie. 

richie turned to face eddie, his heart still jumping in his chest. "so will you if you keep sneaking up on m like that" richie said, pulling the cigarette away from his lips. eddie rolled his chocolate brown eyes stopping to glare at the cigarette in richie's hand. eddie reached forward, grabbing it out of richie's hand, "hey-" richie called out, but made no attempt to grab it back. eddie dropped the cigarette to the ground and put it out with his shoe by stepping on it he looked up at richie who was staring at the now put out cigarette with a sour look. "you got a car?" eddie asked, his lips slightly smiling once again. richie looked up at eddie and nodded softly, pulling out his keys. eddie opened his hand for them, richie slightly raised an eyebrow, "you drive?" he asked. eddie sighed and lowered his hand, "no but this could be a learning experience!" he said with somewhat enthusiasm. 

richie shrugged, "sure why not?" he said holding out his keys for eddie. eddie stared at the keys, his mouth slightly open as if he was in shock for a while. "you'd really teach me? you just met me and you trust me enough to let me drive, and possibly wreck your car?" eddie said finally, still staring at him. richie's cheeks flushed, "i guess i'll teach you another time, when i know you better, but you'll have to tell me how to get to your house." eddie nodded. 

richie whispered a quick, follow me, and began to walk to his car, eddie right behind him. the walk to the car started out extremely silent, other than the sound of their shoes on the pavement and the voices of their fellow students who stood outside the school mingling with their friends. richie hated the silence, it always made him other thinking stuff and have second thoughts about whatever he was doing, and he was definitely have second thoughts right now. richie desperately hoped that eddie would speak up, and luckily for richie, he did.

"so, what does trashmouth tozier do in his free time?" richie laughed, "haven't heard that nickname since 8th grade, how did you know about that, i thought you just moved here?". eddie shook his head, "i've lived here my whole life, just never brought loads of attention towards myself till the start of this year.". richie bit his lips, knowing what eddie was implying. "well i mean i used to wear a fanny pack all throughout elementary, i was called fanny pack eddie, it was dumb".

richie's breath hitched, "wait, that was you? oh my god i called fanny pack eds every single day in fifth grade" richie turned to look at him, he was able to see loads of similarities between eddie and the kid he knew as "fanny pack eds".

eddie laughed, "yup, that was me. i ditched the fanny pack that summer and the name vanished, i became just another kid who no one paid attention to, however, trashmouth tozier got loads of attention, what happened with that eh? did you ditch your trashmouth or something?"

richie laughed nervously, "yea i assumed you had moved or something, i guess i kinda forgot about all that till now. i still have a trashmouth, i didn't ditch nothing, something ditched me, which caused me to learn when i should just shut the trashmouth up for a while, it's a long story, another day". eddie raised an eyebrow, then smiled sweetly, "kay."

"so you still have a trashmouth?" eddie asked. richie smirked, "stick around long enough and you're destined to see the return of trashmouth tozier" eddie's lips now wore a smirk similar to richie's. "maybe i will" eddie said, his voice smooth like silk.

richie's heart skipped a beat.

richie stopped, the two had now reached the car. he walked over to it, opening the passenger door for eddie. once eddie was inside, richie walked to the other side. in his mind, he could hear beverly laughing at him. he groaned and opened the door, getting in the truck.

what am i doing?


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