cause i lo-lo-lo-love you

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richie tozier has no idea what was going to happen once he had eddie kaspbrak back as his house.

once the two had left richie started to regret his decision to let eddie come over, sure they kinda just had some sort of moment but still, he was terrified of what was going to happen.

the last 24 hours had probably been the most wild 24 hours of his life. as he drove down the road, with eddie kaspbrak next to him, tears still building up in the boys eyes which were all swollen and red from the tears the boy had shed after the incident with his mother, richie couldn't get the damn warning from bev out of his head. richie couldn't stop thinking that tomorrow, eddie won't even acknowledge him. richie was so out of it that by the time he had arrived at his house he simply turned off the car and sat there.

he was terrified to even try to move a single muscle. he didn't dare look at eddie whose stare he could feel, like daggers on his skin. richie took a deep breath and looked down at his lap. he felt a hand touch him on the shoulder, he turned to the boy next to him at last, giving him an apologetic stare. "you okay rich?" the boy asked, and the look on the poor boys face was full of pure concern.

"he's worried about me." richie thought

"yuh-yea i just-" richie started putting a hand to the back on his neck, he sighed not knowing what to say.

"are you scared?" said the silk smooth voice.

richie nodded slowly, the hand on his arm moved up to richie's cheek.

richie felt his heart start to beat faster and he found himself looking directly into eddie's eyes.

"what're you scared of chee?"

richie's face slightly flushed at the nickname as he began to try and work out an answer.

however, at this point he wasn't sure what he was scared of anymore.



being used?

losing eddie?

"it's cause of me isn't it." eddie said, a sad smile forming on the boys lips.

richie shook his head and tried to explain but eddie cut him off.

"i...i know what i seem like... well what i kinda am, i know why you scared. i always leave people.. but...but i don't wanna leave you, i had all these one night stands all before because i simply wanted something temporarily to ease the pain of having to go home to my mother every day but the next morning i would realize what commitment would mean and how eventually i would have to tell that person about my mom and we would have to go through the know. but you're different rich, you didn't comfort me just because you wanted to have sex, you comforted me because you actually care. i'm not just another notch on your belt, and i don't have to tell you about my mom because you already know about her. i... i have a hard time trusting people but i i know i can trust you."

richie soaked in the words slowly, realizing what it meant.

"so tomorrow at school... you won't forget all about me and move onto another sad closeted gay boy who jacks off to an edward cullen poster he was supposed to give his girlfriend but got to attached to let it go?" richie said slightly smirking

eddie chuckled, "that's oddly specific, but no i won't do that... also was that trashmouth tozier i heard there?"

richie wiggles his eyebrows, "you know it, dollface" 

eddie laughed, rolling his eyes "i liked it better when you were quiet" 

richie fake frowned, "you wound me spaghetti head" he complained, putting a hand over his heart

eddie smiled, "i definitely liked it better when you were quiet"

richie smirked, "you'll never get me to shut up again spagheds!" 

eddie returned the smirk, "mmm i think i can probably think of a way..." he said, looking down at richies lips hungrily 

richie felt his heart skip a beat, "oh yeah? how you gonna to that short stack?" 

eddie said nothing, closing the gap between him and richie with a slight moan  

this kiss was different than the first one 

the first one had been full of lust and sexual tension, while this kiss was focused on pure emotion and feelings.

the kiss was slightly salty from the not so dried tears on each other's face and it was somehow passionate yet so innocent at the same time  

this was so different from all of the people richie had kissed before  

this kiss, meant something.

it was eddie saying you can trust me 

and richie saying i trust you 

when the two boys finally parted lips, both of their lips were glossy and red and richie's hair was somehow more wild now after eddie had ran his fingers through it. 

richie smiled slightly, "wanna take this inside?" he asked, intertwining his fingers with eddie's.

eddie smirked and nodded, and tried to open the door, only to find it locked.

eddie hissed and unlocked it quickly and then proceeded to practically pull richie inside up to the boys room and give the boy what he had been dreaming about since the beginning of the school year.

should i write the sex scene or skip to morning 🤔

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