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Chapter 3

Happily ever after


I walk outside and take a seat on our table next to James. My eyes slowly travel around the circular table, looking who's there. On the other side of James is Harriet, Kyra, Henry then Ella. Callum, Grace, Tom, Sam, Olivia and Elise. However, sitting in between Elise and I is a boy I have never seen before. He is looking down, twiddling nervously with his fingers.

"Hi." I say

"Hey," he looks up and smiles at me.

God, he is gorgeous! His tousled, dark blonde hair is cut short, but he has a long fringe that flops over is baby blue eyes. As he smiles, two small dimples appear on his sharp cheek bones. I can see his toned body through his school shirt.

"I'm Alex." I manage to squeak out.

"I'm Connor." He grins.

(A/N guyyyyysss!!! It's Connorrr!!! For those who don't know me, I am in love with Connor from The Vamps so just imagine that Connor looks like him but 15 x)

I smile and turn my head to look at James, who is clutching his stomach and silently laughing, clearly understanding the effect Connor is having on me.

He mimes twirling his hair around his finger.

'Oh, Connor!' He mouths. I turn my head quickly, but it seems like I am the only one watching James.

I give James 'the look' telling him to shut the hell up before I hurt him. He understands, but ignores my warnings. James carries on miming and has attracted the attention of Ella who starts giggling madly. I end up punching James in the stomach. He doubles over, and can't talk for a few minutes but it makes him stop. I consider that a mission accomplished.

"What have you got next?" I hear Elise ask Connor. I don't mean to listen in to their conversation, but I can't help myself.

"Music." I can hear the smile in Connors voice.

"Oh, you'll be with Alex and James!"

"Oh really? That's cool!"

I decide to risk it and turn my head slightly to look at him out of the corner of my eye. I get lost in the deep blue of his eyes, until I realise we are making eye-contact and I am staring intently at him. I clear my throat.

"Ummmm, so your taking music?" I stutter. Wow! What a stupid question! Now he knows I was eavesdropping on his conversation.

"Yeah. So are you." He says it as a statement but I nod anyway, looking down into my lap and blushing slightly.

"Do you play any instruments?" Connor asks out of the blue.

I smile. "Yeah, piano and guitar. But they're really just to accompany my singing. What about you?"

"Cello, guitar, piano, drums but I can't sing for toffee!" He laughs.

Suddenly, the bell goes.

"See you guys later." I say

Everyone says goodbye, and various people hug me before James places his hand on the small of my back and guides me towards our music class, Connor following closely behind us.

*In lessons*

Our music teacher, Mrs Farmer surprises us by asking to hear our pieces that we all have to play in the end of year concert.

As a boy named Simon tries and fails to play out 'Chopin prelude, second movement' on the piano, James moves his fingers along my thigh to the actual tune. James is so musical, he can do this without even thinking about it. As Simon comes to a shaky, flat close, there is a small round of awkward applause from the class. Mrs Farmer compliments and criticises Simons performance quickly, clearly in anticipation for the next person on the list.

"James?" Mrs Farmer asks as James rises from his seat and picks up his beautiful guitar.

"And, what are you going to play, James?"

"A piece from the musical, Les Miserable. Empty chairs at empty tables." Mrs Farmer beams. She thinks James is amazing. He is definitely her favourite student, and James picked his performance piece knowing that Mrs Farmer loves Les Mis.

(A/N to help picture this, you can go on YouTube and James has actually done an amazing cover if this song.)

James plays his opening chord and then opens his mouth and begins to sing.

'There's a grief that can't be spoken.

There's a pain goes on and on.

Empty chairs at empty tables.

Now my friends are dead and gone.

Here they talked of revolution

Here it was they lit the flame

Here they sang about tomorrow

But tomorrow never came'

James continues his piece and ends perfectly without singing a single note wrong. He is showered with praise by both Mrs Farmer and our classmates, but he doesn't say much and he almost seems bored with the praise.

Mrs Farmer looks down her list.


I stand, my stomach filling with butterflies, and sit in front of the piano.

"River flows in you." I state the title of the song and Mrs Farmer nods and scribbles it into her notebook.

I start to play the pretty tune, my fingers gliding across the keys of the piano, and I smile as I begin to sing.

'You are just to young to find the senses in your life,

Looking for something else like the dream that you had.

Filled your life with someone else like teardrops in your eyes.

Who does care what you are when the river flows in you?

You are not the fool, no

You are beautiful, oh

You are like the sun

'Cause this one river flows in you.'

When I finish my piece, I sit down next to James who smiles down at me before pulling me into an awkward side hug.

"Well done, that was beautiful." He whispers into my hair.

"You weren't to bad yourself." I smile and he chuckles softly.

I guess no one is ever gonna be seen as amazing when they're following James.


Sorry if this chapter isn't very good, but I wrote most of it at half 12 last night so I'm like 🙀🙀 at the min!!

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