Locked in!

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Chapter 14 Locked in!

//Abi's POV\\

No. no no no. I can't sing in front of everyone! I slowly walk up to the stage. Shaking. Toby's behind me I can see the worry in his eyes as we both stand on the platform by the microphones. The sing starts and I instantly realise it's 'shi no Barado' by area 11. I can just make out grace in the corner with martyn and kaeyi, they're looking over and talking aswell as smirking at me when I see them. They must've planned this. It's obvious, but I won't say anything and I'll see where it gets me.
Toby was singing. u was looking around nervously I wasn't even sure I was going to sing, especially with everyone staring at me. Toby wasn't to happy singing but he sings really well. then it's time for me to join in. As I start he looks at me surprised I guess I never really sang in front of him, or anyone, before.

//Graces POV\\

"Guys it's working! look at the way they're looking at eachother!" I say excitedly.
"You really think so?" Martyn says. "they don't seem to happy up there.....oh wait! did you see Toby's face! has he never heard her sing before?"
"I guess not, she's amazing though isn't she" I reply.
"Yeah she is!" Says kaeyi. Abi looks towards us and martyn smirks at her.
"Martyn don't you'll give it away" I say.
"Oh don't worry 'bout it" he says chuckling.
Half way through the song and they are really getting into it. Abi got over the fact that people are watching and Toby is constantly staring at her. they both smile and sing together. They are meant to be. Now the song is over. they look at eachother and smile. wait. they're leaning in towards each...... oh for gods sake only a hug! ugh.

//Toby's POV\\

As she sings I fall in love all over again. Her voice is amazing! oh how much I just want to grab her and keep her forever and ever. We sing together smiling at eachother. I can see the sparkle in her eyes as she looks towards me. I'm not the best singer, but I don't care, singing with her is a dream come true. Grace is in he corner of the room with martyn and kaeyi. she's been with them a lot lately. any way as the song finishes I turn to look at her. We both smile as we look deep into eachothers eyes. She steps forward and hugs me tightly as if she never wants to let go(which I don't want her to). Breaking apart I look around to see grace laughing really loudly with uncle and aunt but no one else seemed to have noticed. Martyn signs for me to go over to him as kaeyi and grace has gone for more food. I jump from the stage and walk to him, then I sit down next to him on a comfy chair.
"Hey" I say still smiling.
"Hey Toby! how are you liking the party?"
"It's amazing thank you!"
"Aha no problem, so what's up with you and Abi?" He strangely asks.
"Wh... what do you mean?" I ask in return.
"Oh c'mon I know you like her! you've just got to tell her"
"It's not that easy" I says realising what I just said.
"Ah ha you didn't deny it! I knew it! well actually g......"
"What no! wait who told you?" I say picking Up on what he said.
"No one, anyway, when are you going to tell her?" he asks me.
"Oh I don't know, maybe tonight"
"I said maybe" I repeat.
"You will and I'll make sure of it! it's not that hard, I did it for kaeyi, trust me you've got nothing to worry about"
Yeah apart from the fact that she probably will say no. I nod instead if telling him this knowing it will cause a long chat of how it'll work out.
"You hungry?" I ask.
"Nah you carry on imma go find kaeyi and make sure she's not up to something."
"Oh ok" phew! I think to myself as I walk to the table of food.

//Abis POV\\

***exact same time as Toby had his chat with martyn***

Climbing of the stage I run over to grace and kaeyi and I see Toby going to martyn. something's going on.
"God I didn't think I was gonna be able to do that" I laugh and they laugh to.
"Oh hey grace do you mind getting me a drink" she doesn't know I see but she winks slyly at her and then Grace nods and walks over to the drinks section of the table.
"So you having fun?" kaeyi asks.
"Yeah it's brilliant!" I reply.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Err sure" I say a bit confused.
"Tell me the truth. do you like Toby, I mean like like him?" She unexpectedly asks. this leaves me in shock should I tell her? but she'll tell martyn and he'll hint at it to Toby! so no.
"What gave you that idea?"
"Oh come one, the way you look at him, the way you smile when you around him. I've been watching you and you like him soo much but you don't want to tell him" she says. And it's true I do like him. Alot.
"well ok yeah I do like him, but is it really that obvious?" I ask hopeful.
"Afraid so but no one really notices but me" I sigh in relief. "hey Abi I've got an idea so you can tell him with no one around"
"Yeah" i say happily.
"Yeah, he hasn't seen your office yet has he" she says this and winks at me.
"But don't make it obvious" she says then she gets up and walks over to Hannah. I see Toby by the food admiring the cake. (It's the shape of his new Xbox with a controller on top). I sneak behind him.
"Ahahah, sorry couldn't resist it!" I say.
"Wow well thanks for that."
"Hey no problem!" I say sarcastically with a smile. "oh wait you haven't seen my office yet!"
"You have an office!" he says excitedly.
"yeah I got it a couple of days ago! come on I'll show you it" I say pulling him over to the door. we leave the room making sure no one ms watching us. we race to my room and I show him in. he looks around in awe as I close the door.
"Did you do this yourself?" He asks.
"Well I had a bit of help from treutron but apart from that yeah" i explain.
"Well I think it's amazing" he says flattering me. I turn as I hear a click as if a door locked. I go to open the door then I see three people, one with a green shirt, one with pastel pink hair and a shorter one.
"MARTYN! KAEYI! GRACE! OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!!" I scream as the run back to the common room.
"Maybe later!" I hear grace shout.
"God dammit! I knew it" I whisper to myself.
"What's going on?" Toby asks slightly scared.
"Oh erm... well Martyn, Kaeyi and Grace may have locked us into this room together" I say sitting down on my blue bean bag seat. Toby sighs and slumps onto my chair.
"So I heard you saw your mum today, how is she doing?" I know this was the wrong thing to say as now he's crying in to his hands.
"Oh god! I'm so sorry.... I didn't know.. if I had I wouldn't hav..."
"Listen don't blame youself. you didn't know it's not your fault" he says sniffing.
"Ok I'll tell you what happened. but don't tell anyone I'm not ready for everyone to know"
"Okay" he then tells me everything, This morning, seeing her, her dying. I feel terrible and just start to cry to.
"You've started me off now *sniff*"
I look at him with sad eyes. I've never seen him this upset. Ever.
"Do y... do you need a hug?" I ask. he nods. I get up as he gets up and as I go to hug him he stops me. I look at him as if to say 'what are you doing?' But he ignores me and instead lens in and I suddenly feel warm, soft lips against my own. I'm surprised by this but I go along with it and kiss him back. we break apart and I smile.
"What was that for?" then he simply says
"Everything" and he kisses me again. I close my eyes and wish it would never end. after dreaming I snap back into reality as we once again break apart. This time he's smiling aswell.
"Abi, ever since I saw you that day I instantly fell for you. And today a few minutes ago I fell again as we sang together, I've been trying to tell you, at school, on Skype, before we had to sing. Abi I love you and even if you don't love me back it won't change the way I feel" he looks towards his feet. I could tell he was blushing, like I am.
"Aww Toby you know I've been think the exact same thing and I hate myself go not telling you sooner. I love you too Toby" I say at almost a whisper.

//Toby's POV\\

Once again we kiss but this time she's the one who leans for me as I helplessly allow and I kiss her back. Wow I love her soo much I can't bare to let her go(it sounds cheesy I know)I could live this moment for ever for all eternity. soon we break and I pull her into a hug I hold her there for a while until we sit on the floor-there's no room for two people on the office chair or the bean bag- next to eachother her head resting upon my shoulder.
"Should we go back to the party?" she asks.
"nah I wanna stay here for a bit"
"Ok" she says.
"Hey Abi, maybe okay can be our always" I smirk as she looks up at me.
"Really? you just ruined this while thing!"
"This whole thing?"
"Yeah and you we're doing really well too!" we both reenact The Fault On Our Stars. I remember going there. Kaeyi, Martyn, Abi and I. Me and Martyn we're dragged along of course. Kaeyi and Abi love it, however much they cried.

***an hour later***

Abis head is still resting on my shoulder, only difference is that she's now asleep. I'm starting to drift of now too so before I close my eyes and fall to sleep I give head a small kiss in the cheek. Then let consciousness take me.

//Kaeyis POV\\

Shock runs through me as I remember Abi and Toby are still stick in the office together. I quickly find martyn and tell him.
"Martyn!" out of breath "Abi..... Toby..... office..... locked......together" I manage to finish, no wonder I go to the gym every weekend.
"Oh shit! Come on" he says yanking at my pink cardigan. I rush after him to Abis office. we silently look through the window and see both of them on the floor propped up against the wall. Asleep.
"Hey Martyn?"
"Do you think we can have a sleep over at yogtowers? You couldn't separate them could you?"
"I like your thinking! but we'll have to ask Hannah and Lewis"
"We'll just say she coming to ours"
"You know what kaeyi, that's not such a bad idea!" he unlocks the door being careful not to wake them and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.
Hannah and Lewis say it's fine. The party is pretty much over and everyone is leaving, but there now worried about where Toby or Abi is. Kinda good I suppose. Me and Martyn are gonna stay here with them tonight and take Toby I guess home in the morning. considering it's ten 'o' clock they won't appreciate being woke up to go home.

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