Time of Death.

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25. "Time of Death."

The death clock is ticking slowly in our breast, and each drop of blood measures its time, and our life is a lingering fever.
-Georg Buchner

6:45 A.M


"Open up, I have Frappe's," Rosie shouted from the outside of Felicity's apartment door. Even though she had one of the biggest exams in her life in a few hours, she couldn't help but flock to her new-found friend's side. She couldn't imagine any of the unnecessary attention, that came from the recent Rowell-sized bomb, not weighing the older doctor down. A part of her felt responsible, had she done the right thing? It was in the heat of the moment, and she hadn't thought about the repercussions; but maybe this gesture would be the start of making amends.

When Felicity didn't answer after the first several knocks, Rosie found herself quite confused: It was too early for her to have been gone already, but early enough to catch her on her way out.

"Felicity," Rosie added, along with another long knock, "listen, I know that you're in there; and I know that you're mad at me. I made a mistake okay, I know we had our thing going, but I couldn't stand another day of him hurting you. I just, Grace has Riley, Reggie has Andre, Andre has Ku, and Ku has Andre. I don't have anyone in my corner like you, and I'm freaking out about this exam so, I really need you back in my corner, just, just open the door please."

With that sentiment said, Rosie heard the sound of the door unlocking, momentarily relieved as the door was slowly pulled open. She smiled as it happened, thankful that, at least, Felicity was willing to hear her out. However, everything changed in her head as soon as she saw what was in front of her, the scene so shocking that she dropped the miniature cup-holder and put her hands in front of her mouth.

Rowell and Felicity were down on the ground, in her living room, several feet in front of her, both of them covered in blood. He looked deranged as he placed a long slice on her abdomen with hiss butcher knife, a small shriek and cough escaping her throat.

"What, what the hell are you doing Rowell?" She asked, immobilized, unable to process the situation in its entirety; and whether or not she should run.

"I'm taking my child, and you're going to help me bitch. You two may have taken my job, but I'll be damned if you take my child," he spat out.

Rosie couldn't believe this, it felt like she was in a horror movie, and she nearly broke every time Felicity looked up at her with pleading eyes. She saw the woman mouth the word, "Go," and the tears began rolling down her cheeks.

"And, if I don't? What if I just call the police on your psychotic ass now? What if I end this you sick bastard, what then?" Rosie spat back, fingers curling into two stern fist, before one went to grab her phone from her back pocket.

"Then I slit her throat, and you get to watch her bleed out while I take my child anyway. Let me be clear, Doctor Jones, I don't need you to finish this, I will finish this. The question here for you here is, how do you want to play this?"

Rosie froze again, body slowly numbing as she took in the tragedy at hand. She had never had to do anything like this before, knew she wouldn't survive a confrontation. He was bigger, faster, stronger, he'd probably kill her anyway.

What could she live with?

How did she want to play this?

"Rose," Felicity gargled out through a mouth full of blood, "go!"

She sighed, wiped the tears from her eyes, and closed the door.

"What do you need me to do?"

7:00 A.M

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