Chapter Seven

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Silence filled the room and the only noise that could be heard was the sound of Brock's heart beating against his chest. Reba smiled and adjusted her head against him. They hadn't moved, hadn't spoken, they only held each other in silence. No words were needed, for the silence around them said it all. It didn't matter how many years they spent apart, their love had not died.

Brock slowly traced his fingers down the length of her arm, leaving her delicate skin tingling from his touch. He gently slid his fingers in between hers and lifted their intertwined hands into the air in front of his face. The two were finally where they needed to be for the first time in seven years: together. He smiled and brought her hand to his lips. He didn't want to live one more moment without her, not again.

Reba tried her hardest to stay in this moment, right here, but she found herself questioning what was to happen next. She tried to push the fear that was rising in her chest back down. She wanted to run away from it, to stay in this moment for the rest of her life. But she knew that was a foolish desire. He was married and she was no longer his wife.

"Oh, god." She said absentmindedly when it finally hit her. "Barbara Jean."

Brock felt her entire body stiffen against him. He knew this was bound to happen, he just wished it hadn't happened so soon. Of course he, too, felt the guilt settle in, but nowhere near the amount he knew Reba would feel. She had been in Barbara Jean's situation. She knew what it felt like to be in her position. Although, he wished with every fibre of his being, that she didn't know. She wasn't supposed to know.

"Reba, listen..."

"Oh, my god, Brock, what have we done? We have just done the most selfish thing... oh, god." She moved away from him before he could stop her and it wasn't long before she was hyperventilating. He'd only seen her this distressed a handful of times, but he knew well enough where it was headed.

All Reba could think about was Barbara Jean. She was her best friend, how could she do this to her? At least when Barbara Jean had done this to her, the two of them weren't friends. Reba felt betrayed then, but she could only imagine how Barbara Jean would feel now. She was on the verge of a panic attack; she could feel it deep in her chest. She stood quickly from the bed, a blanket wrapped tightly around her body, and she paced, trying desperately to calm herself down.

"Reba – "

"Do you even feel guilty? Of course you don't, you're the one who can't keep it in his pants. I've never done this before. Oh god, I'm no better than you. I am an awful person, Brock!" She rambled on and on as she paced, he could barely understand what she was saying.

"That's it!" He said harshly before jumping out of bed. Brock stood in her path so she was no longer able to pace. He quickly grabbed a hold of her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes, his heart breaking at the sight of the sadness, anger, and fear that fought harshly in her blue pools. "Honey, you have to calm down. C'mon, breathe with me." He began to take deep breaths, placing her hand on his chest so she could feel the air entering his lungs.

Reba's nerves began to calm as she breathed in deeply along with Brock. He was always the only person that could settle her down during attacks such as these. Her panic attacks had become more frequent and intense during her pregnancy with Cheyenne and continued on with Kyra and Jake. Needless to say, it was no wonder Brock knew how to handle her.

"That's good, keep going." He gently put his hands on her hips and pulled her into his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed. He held her close as they breathed together. He hadn't had to talk her down from a panic attack since she was pregnant with Jake and he couldn't help but wonder how many attacks she's had since then that he wasn't around to comfort her for; another vow he had broken. Brock smiled when she laid her head down on his chest; how could he have ever thought she didn't need him? Of course she needed him, she was just too stubborn to let him know that. What a fool he had been.

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