Chapter Eight

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Reba awoke to the rays of the warm sun on her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered open as they adjusted to the brightness of the room and she smiled when she felt those familiar strong arms still holding her close by the waist. His breath was heavy which let her know that he was still in a deep sleep. She felt relaxed and rested, not groggy and headache-ridden like usual. If she had known this was the way to get a good night's sleep, maybe she would've tried sex sooner.

That was a joke of course. It never felt right with anyone but Brock. Sure, the sparks flew and the ground shook when she had kissed Jack, but it was nothing more than that. It was Brock who held her heart, no matter how hard she had tried to tear it from his grasp. It was just not meant to be. They were meant for one another, that much was becoming clear. Unfortunately, it was much more complicated than that.

The words he had said before falling asleep the night before, rang through her ears. Maybe we were given this weekend for a reason. Maybe he was right. As she thought about it, it did seem as though some greater force was trying to tell them something. Perhaps instead of feeling guilty, this was her chance to be selfish for once in her life. Maybe they were supposed to forget about their lives, just for the weekend, and be the Brock and Reba they were always supposed to be.

Reba swung her legs to the floor carefully and quietly and sat in a sitting position on the edge of the bed as she searched for any item of clothing within reach. She wasn't one to walk around naked. Of course, Brock's seen it all, but she was older now and everything looked different, especially standing up. She ran a hand over her face at the thought. She spotted a shirt resting on the green carpet, but before she could reach for it, she felt Brock's arms snake around her waist and pull her back underneath the covers.

"Good morning, sexy." He spoke into the crook of her neck as he placed a loving kiss upon her skin. He held her close and the warmth of his body warmed her to the core. It didn't matter how cold it was, he always radiated heat. Something she'd missed over the years, especially at night.

"Good morning."

"Where were you going?" He placed another kiss underneath her ear. He could not remember the last time he woke up feeling this happy and he was holding the reason in his arms.

"I was tryin' to find some clothes, if you must know." She rolled her head to the side, enjoying the feeling of his lips moving against her skin.

"Now, why would you want to do that?" He nibbled on her earlobe before placing another kiss on her neck. Reba knew exactly what he was doing.

"Well, we haven't eaten since lunch yesterday and I'm starving. You hear that?" Her stomach grumbled and Brock smiled against her shoulder.

"You could take a bite out of me?" Reba could feel him grinning against her skin at his comment. She was glad someone found him funny.

"Nope, uh-uh, Brock, don't even think about it. You're not getting' any lovin' out of me until you feed me. We're old now, it takes a toll outta me, y'know?"

He could hear the smile in her voice and turned her around, wanting nothing more than to catch a glimpse of that beautiful sight. The sun had nothing on her. She could light up a room with a flash of her smile.

He quickly rolled on top of her body and kissed her hard on the lips before moving his kiss to her chest. He continued his trail down the remainder of her chest and the soft skin on her stomach. The sheets covered his head and Reba giggled as his hands tickled her sides. He rested his ear against her stomach and listened to the grumbling.

"Fine, let's get my woman fed!" He burst out from underneath the covers and kissed her on the lips before climbing out of bed. Reba laughed at the cuteness of it all and felt her cheeks flush when she realized he had called her his woman. She liked the sound of that.

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