Chapter Ten

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Reba awoke the next morning with an awful feeling inside of her stomach. Her eyes snapped open and anxiety rose inside of her like a kettle bubbling to the surface.

It was Sunday.

Tomorrow their car would be ready and they would have to head home, putting an end to their weekend together.

The thought of this weekend coming to an end radiated pain throughout her chest. She didn't want to go back to her old life, she couldn't. She couldn't look at him and not think about their wonderful weekend together. She couldn't go back to pretending like what they had no longer exists. She couldn't face that. She'd done it once and it almost ripped her in two, she couldn't do it again.

She closed her eyes tightly together, trying desperately to push this realization away. Brock moved behind her and held her closer to his body. She wanted to bask in this feeling, remember every little detail so she could carry the warmth with her because, for all she knew, this could be the last time she ever felt him pull her closer. They would return home and everything would return to what it once was and the next time Brock pulled someone closer, it wouldn't be her.

Cut it out.

Reba pulled herself from his grasp, careful not to wake him, and wrapped the plush, green blanket around her nude body. Everything inside of her wanted to cry, to scream, to let all of it out, but she refused to. She had cried enough this weekend, she couldn't bring herself to do it again.

She walked to the window and gently pulled the curtain back. It was raining. Of course it was raining. As if the day wouldn't be hard enough, it had to rain and set the mood before it even began.

Brock lifted his head from the pillow to see Reba looking out of the window. He smiled when he noticed she was wrapped up in a blanket, but frowned as he watched her head dip and rest down against her chest. Goosebumps covered her exposed skin and he knew immediately what was troubling her. It was Sunday.

He peeled himself from the covers quietly and walked to Reba, wrapping his arms around her waist. He felt her jump at his touch, but she immediately melted into him.

Reba smiled at Brock's sudden touch and for a moment, the pain that was eating away at her chest vanished. His warmth spread throughout her like a wildfire and she was thankful he had woken up when he did. She no longer wanted to be alone with her thoughts.

"Good morning." His voice was a whisper against her ear and she giggled when it tickled her skin.


He wrapped his arms tighter around her middle and nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck. "Why don't we get back into bed, what do yah say?"

"It's raining."

Reba lifted her blue pools and stared out of the window once again. She watched the droplets of water as they hit the ground and splashed back into the air. They weren't outside, but she could feel the coolness in the air.

"It's our last day together and it's raining."

"Oh, honey." He ran his hands down the length of her arms and crossed them across her chest, holding her as tightly as he could. "Don't think about that."

"I can't, Brock." Silence filled the room for a moment and she took a deep breath, trying desperately to calm herself down for she knew the flood gates were about to open. "What's going to happen when we leave?"

Her voice was quiet and filled with emotion and Brock swore he could feel a piece of his heart fall from his chest.

"Honestly? I... I don't know."

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