Chapter 4

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It was complete and utter silence. 

Jeremy watched with bated breath as werewolf and vampire stared each other down, both waiting for the précised moment to strike.
Jeremy was at a lost for what to do. On one hand he wanted to let the werewolves take him away but on the other it was impossible. One reason being he would most likely die because of the separation spell and the second being because he didn't know anything about the time he was in.
For all he knew he could walk straight into a battle from the civil war.
"Jeremy, come here."
Jeremy snapped his head into the direction of the furious vampires with weary eyes and immediately regretted it when he locked gazes with Kol's dark brown eyes.
"Come here."
His irritation evident by the clinching of his teeth while he spoke. Why did he have to always repeat himself with this human boy? What made him so different from all the other humans? Kol wasn't all that thrilled about not having complete control over Jeremy when he knew that he should be able too.
It was just like in the bedroom just an hour ago; Jeremy could do nothing as his body started moving towards the trio in obedience. As he did, he caught the smug look kol was giving the werewolves, his rescuer in particular. His gaze traveled to Klaus and was surprised to see hatred burning like flames in his eyes as he directed them to the Tyler look-a-like.
Looking over his shoulder he saw the hatred wasn't one sided. In a matter of a fact, it would seem all three of the Michaelson brothers seemed to be showing hatred for the werewolf.
Jeremy was curious about how they knew each other and who the werewolf was.
But he didn't have time to dwell on that because as soon as he was in arms distance from kol's outstretched hand all hell broke loose.

Jeremy ducked to the ground as three of the wolves lunged at the Mikaelsons by leaping over him. Before Jeremy could even blink two of them were dead and Kol was pinned to the ground by the third one. Kol quickly kicked the oversized dog in the rib cage making it yelp in pain as he was slammed into a nearby tree by the sheer power of the kick.
Jeremy watched as Kol disappeared and reappeared in a flash in front of the same wolf grinning wickedly before snapping its neck.
He quickly stood up off the ground and turned away from the heartless vampire in an attempt to flee but gasped in surprised as he was suddenly grabbed from behind and then the next thing he knew he felt like he was flying. For a second he watched as the forest began to blur but closed them as he began to grow dizzy. The loud whooshing sound of the wind invaded his ears as clung to the unknown man who was holding him tightly, careful not to drop him.
Jeremy wrapped his arms around the taller and more masculine figure and screwed his eyes shut tighter in an attempt to make himself feel safer.
He didn't know who he was currently clinging to but he knew it was definitely not Klaus by the way his head was pounding.
It felt like hours to Jeremy when in all actuality it was only minutes until the howling wind stopped, and the feeling of flying was gone and before he felt himself being placed on the ground. For a couple of minutes he just sat there on the ground relishing in the fact that he was no longer off the ground. He never did like airplane rides and he most certainly didn't like being forced off the ground by supernatural beings who thought they could just control him.
"Are you alright Jeremy?"
The voice was oddly kind and for a second Jeremy couldn't place it until he opened his eyes. The first thing he noticed was he was still dizzy and his vision was a little blurry. Looking up towards the direction of the somewhat familiar voice he saw of all people, Elijah.
Jeremy blinked a couple of times allowing his eyes to adjust before addressing the quite vampire.
"I think so. What happened?"
He asked as he cautiously stood up from the forest ground out of the slightly dampened leaves. If there was anyone he could even a little trust, it was Elijah. He had heard his sister talk about how gentlemanly he was and how he had promised to protect them from his siblings.
Jeremy wasn't a fool by any means though; Elijah was still an original vampire who wouldn't hesitate to kill who he deemed a threat, making him just as unpredictable as his siblings. But right now Elijah was his only option.
Elijah stood up as well and regarded the strange human boy in curiosity.
There was something about the boy that made him alluring. When he had seen that werewolf so close to the human he had felt oddly possessive, something he hadn't felt since Tatia. It was certainly strange how easily this Jeremy had gotten under his skin in the short span of just one day, but he had done it.
But not just with me unfortunately.
Elijah thought bitterly as he thought back to how kol and Klaus acted when they had all discovered the boy missing. He really hoped history wasn't going to repeat itself.
"We were ambushed. It would seem as if our enemies had decided to join together to rid themselves of us. Such a foolish idea."
Elijah answered with a frown before he walked up to the boy and grabbed him by the forearm lifting him up to his feet.
Jeremy clinched his teeth in irritation and pain as he was dragged back into the forest in the opposite direction of the burning cabin that he had woken up in just this morning. The binding spell was certainly still doing its job because Jeremy felt like he was on the verge of passing out.
Elijah suddenly stilled in his tracks, tightening his grip on Jeremy in anger.
"Come. We do not have time to waste here."
Elijah said hurriedly looking behind them in caution.
He could smell and hear them, two werewolves where currently racing through the forest in their direction at full speed. By Elijah's reckoning they would be here in a matter of seconds.
Giving Jeremy one last glance he knew he wouldn't be fast enough with the extra weight of the boy to out run the two fast approaching beast. But before he could second guess himself a wolf was already on him.
Jeremy was knocked to the ground by the sudden impact of the wolf as Elijah struggled to keep its teeth from ripping into his skin.
Quickly standing back up Jeremy was at a loss for what to do again.
Luckily his problem was solved by the appearance of the other two originals.

. . . .

Klaus was pissed.
It took everything in his being not to transform into his werewolf state.
Today was just not his day.
First his brother decided to take an interest in his new toy and then they were ambushed by the local werewolf clan. Word had gotten out that the infamous Michaelson brothers had a human guess rousing the attention of the clan.
They used fire, clever really.
Of course the fire couldn't kill them but the smoke did dull their senses making it hard to notice the disappearance of their newest guest. Good thing he had that useless witch cast that spell making it easier to locate Jeremy.
Unlucky that when he found him he was with not just one werewolf but with close to nine.
But what really pissed him off was that he was with him.
Of all the low life werewolves to come along and take what was his it had to be him.
He would pay for what he had done. Pay for taking Jeremy and for what he done so long ago.
Jeremy shifted uncomfortably as he laid on the old fashioned cot. It had been a whole three days since he had traveled through time and since the werewolf attack.
During those three days it had been nothing but constant surveillance.
Jeremy swore if they didn't stop staring at him he was going to go crazy.
After Kol and Klaus had arrived it was pretty much a massacre for the two last remaining werewolves. He couldn't help but watch wide eyed as they tore the wolves from limb to limb as they wore identical psychotic grins.
After they were done Elijah had picked him up without a word and they left behind the carcasses of the wolves for the vultures to have.
Since then Jeremy had been a little weary of the two, choosing to stay close to Elijah as they traveled but not too far from Klaus for fear of reawakening the spell.
It was night time and they were currently surrounding a camp fire. Though it wasn't like they needed the warmth being vampires, but Jeremy did. So Kol had started a fire without a word and Jeremy sat close to it while Elijah and Kol went out to feed. Klaus stayed behind to keep an eye on Jeremy and to insure he wouldn't suffer because of the spell.
It was quite except for the crackling of the fire when Jeremy spoke up.
"Why do you hate that werewolf so much?"
He blurted out breaking the silence. That question along with so many others had been eating away at him for the last couple of days and he thought now was the best time to ask.
Klaus was surprised at first that he even said anything to him. He knew the human feared him greatly because he could smell it on him every time he was near. It was also amusing out of all the questions that could be brewing in his mind he chose that one in particular to ask.
Klaus stared into the fire as if he was recalling a memory.
Then after Jeremy had thought he wasn't going to answer he did.
"Alexander's father killed my little brother henry a long time ago."
Jeremy's eyes widened in surprise.
"But why does he hate you?"
Jeremy asked recalling the hatred that alexander showed in his eyes as he stared the three down not a couple a days ago.
At his question Klaus smiled cruelly before answering.
"I killed his father In return."
At Jeremy's expression Klaus felt obligated to further enlighten the curious human as he continued to stare into the flames of the fire.
"You see, it was more than a century ago when we were human that this happened. Henry wanted to go to the mountains to see the great werewolves who lived there. Mother and father forbade it saying it wasn't safe. Of course little henry was a mischief soul, so he went anyways."
Jeremy watched as Klaus's expression darkened considerably as he continued.
"It was dark out when we realized he was missing. My brothers, my father, and I went out and searched for him while sister and mother stayed home, but to no avail did we find him. It was nearing Sunrise when I saw it. A large black wolf with the clearest blue eyes I had ever seen on such a creature, standing over my little brother's small and lifeless body. In a fit of blind rage I attacked the animal and in the process I snapped its neck."
"It wasn't until after it was dead, did it turn into a man. "

He gave a humorless chuckle at this.

"Not soon after we're we turned into what we are now, cursed."
Jeremy jumped slightly not expecting to hear Kol's voice so close to him. Turning he saw both Elijah and Kol take a seat around the fire.
Jeremy hugged his knees closer to his chest and laid his head onto them in thought.
But that still doesn't explain why they hate Alexander personally. He wasn't the one to kill their brother.
Jeremy looked up from the sudden heat loss to find Klaus standing between him and the fire. He stared up at him in confusion when he extended his hand forward.
Not really having a choice he grabbed the offered hand and allowed himself to be pulled up to his feet. He began to grow nervous when he was being guided into the forest alone with Klaus.
"Where are we going?"
He asked, afraid of the answer. He could only gulp at the feral grin Klaus gave him before he answered,
"Why, we're going hunting of course."

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